Zombie Panic! Source

Zombie Panic! Source

@TheyCallMePinCushion  [developer] 17 out. 2024 às 15:32
Map Update #2 18/10/2024
Hi all.

I wanted to push out a small update that brings this version of the map up to the same/very similar state of our server version.

This update is not a big one, in fact it is quite small as this map is practically a finished product at this point. (Though I will never say it's the final build as small updates and modifications can always be made in the future.)

So what's been changed?

  • Small re-adjustments to some ammo and weapon spawns for better balance.

  • Fixed a small number of bad textures that were out of place and looked ugly or unaligned.
  • Fixed a number of props and items that were not spawning correctly or spawning inside objects.
  • Fixed some bad lighting issues that were present. Hopefully those are all fixed now.

So what's up for the future of this map? I cannot say yet as I'm practically done with this version of map at this point. Though I may make some adjustments in the future, so do keep an eye out for new updates.

Thanks to everyone for their support! Have fun!