Garry's Mod
[Official] RTB:R Weapons Pack
Bug Reports
Report your bugs here for the creators to fix.
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With this mod on,defauld/classic alyxgun worldmodel had purple and black textures.
Steambow does no damage as the harpoons are stuck in the player's origin. This can be noticed even more by using the second ability
the crosshair is visible for every weapon in the top left of the screen
also noticed the issue with the steambow above
The issue with the steambow seems to happen in a few areas only, its like the projectile collision snaps to a nearby entity fitting a sort of check. Sometimes it works fine, sometimes it just disappears or collides somewhere else.
Gauss Muzzleflash Charged is missing a particle precache (console print)
When ever I use the steambow charge-fire (and sometimes the normal fire), the bolt just fires straight into the air, at least I can shoot enemies that are directly above me with a charged shot now.
the oicw magazine is facing the wrong way
and reloading the anabelle is garbage too since the ammo just phases through the bolt not to mention lack of animation on secondary fire
Magdumping the AK causes lagging
Using the secondary fire on the annabelle, it doesn't play an animation
Whenever I choose a weapon and shoot, it doesn't make any sounds even when reloading.
When ever I shoot the steam bow on some maps the bolt will go to a random spot on the map either in the air or underground
The lever action has messed textures
Messaggio originale di UMP45:
the crosshair is visible for every weapon in the top left of the screen
I also have this problem, dont know if its a addon conflict or a bug in the mod tho
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