Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

Pocket O' Possum
Rabies Stats?
What would the rabies chance be. Would it be per unbox? Or a small chance per tic? or something like a 0.1% chance ever day?

This is a very important question
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Suggo  [sviluppatore] 14 giu 2022, ore 10:39 
Rabies Stats:

+ You have rabies
- You have rabies
- Rabies
- No Random Critical Hits
I am sorry to notify that possums are extremely unlikely to get rabies from their low body temp and good immune system!
Messaggio originale di estr:
I am sorry to notify that possums are extremely unlikely to get rabies from their low body temp and good immune system!
Why do we both know this?
whos gonna tell'em that opossums barely get rabies
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