

Shroud Rising [3.8]
 Denne tråd er blevet fastgjort, så den er sikkert vigtig
LastLeviathan  [udvikler] 17. maj 2022 kl. 15:42
FAQ | Frequently Asked Questions
What does the mod include?
  • Adds a new Crisis: The Eye of Terror
  • 50+ events and story chain with unique options depending on ethics, choices made and unique events should rifts appear in your territory.
  • A variety of enemy types that spawn based on random probability, increasing in difficulty as endgame approaches and passes.
  • Ancient Precursors event chain available when the Eye opens, leading to a discovery of special monoliths that can protect you from Storms and Rifts. You can choose to share this with allies, the Galactic community or not, causing various opinion modifiers.
  • Ambient Shroud Storms and Shroud Rifts that can occur across the galaxy.
  • 2 new megastructures that will allow you to seal small rifts and the Eye of Terror, these will also be built by the AI
  • 7 new Galactic Resolutions for the Eye of Terror, AI vote weight dependent on how much they've been affected and their ethics
  • New situation and event chain for a Cultist Uprising
  • A new operation for Psionic Empires to summon a shroud storm in your enemy’s territory
  • A new civic: Shroud Worship and three AI personalities to go with it
  • The ability to become a Shroud Cult and to dismantle the Eye of Terror
  • Small chance for a Special End Game Monster and related events
  • A new Relic should you manage to defeat the Monster
  • 2 special fortress buildings to help you defend your planets
  • New technologies to help you fight and defend against the Shroud
  • Enemies have extensive namelists for their ships, generals and admirals.
  • Cultist Rebels have your namelist, ship style and species for immersion
  • A variety of opinion modifiers and rewards for the various choices and actions you do in regards to the new crisis
  • New traits for general/admirals for defeating the different factions in battle
  • Galactic Casualty counter, for immersion, you can see how many have died to the entities and cultists in the galaxy, with specific numbers for you fleets, armies and how many total worlds have been devoured
  • A special incursion alert policy depending on how much you want to be informed of invasions from the Shroud
  • Difficulty settings, allowing you to customize your experience throughout the game.

What is the Crisis?
Once midgame hits, it can be triggered. It's a series of events and chains leading to a tear between your universe and the Shroud, creating a gateway that entities/enemies will spawn out of. There will also be chances of small temporary rifts and Shroud storms spawning throughout the galaxy during this time.

Recommended settings?
The strength of the mod's crisis can be adjusted independently from the others, meaning any settings will work. Strength can be adjusted as you wish throughout the game via an edict. If you are playing with large mods like Giga or NSC, I recommend increasing the difficulty as the game goes on.

Does it end? Will the galaxy ally until it does?
Yes, you can end it. However, it's meant to be a constant thorn and so does not generate threat like a normal crisis faction. This is to maintain a dynamic political climate. A technology will appear that will allow you and the AI to seal the Rifts and then the Eye of Terror. That being said the more a country is affected (attacked or rifts within their empires), the more likely they are to help pass Galactic measures in relation to the Eye of Terror.

What kind of entities or enemies will we see?
Shroud entities, cultist fleets and larger Shroud Horrors (based off the Dimensional Horror) with unique flavours will spawn at varying strengths. Some will want to devour planets, some will simply invade and others will simply wander.

How is performance?
Generally it shouldn't take a heavy a toll. If you have alot of performance heavy mods, this may add to the endgame slowdown depending on your pc.

How do I force the crisis to spawn?
To start the chain of events, use the command:
event shroud_rising_trigger.4

What are the triggers?
Once mid-game has hit, depending on the chance you choose at the start of the game, it will have a chance to trigger if there is a non-robotic/gestalt Fallen Empire or an AI empire with full psionic potential.

How strong are the enemies?
At a base level you can see below, but otherwise they are impacted by the Crisis Strength selected through the mod options.
Ranging from 6-7k, 40-50k or even 400k+ depending on the enemy spawned.

How does spawning work?
Depending on the size of the Rift and the period of the game, spawns grow in difficulty. Weaker entities spawn yearly while stronger and end game enemies spawn every 3 and 10 years respectively.

How does AI work?
The AI depends on the enemy type. Cultists pick a random planet and seek it out to invade, entities wander around the map much like the amoeba and horrors seek out planets with life to devour. Every spawn is individual, meaning if entities or different cults run into each other they will fight.

What kind of random events are there?
There's a code pulse that has a chance to trigger mini-rifts and Shroud storms across the galaxy every few years. These have various effects, such as invasions or temporary debuffs. There are ways to counter these by sealing Rifts or building Monoliths.
Sidst redigeret af LastLeviathan; 4. maj 2023 kl. 7:26