Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

Watch Dogs Phone
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
cigarillo cyrus  [developer] 15 Jun, 2014 @ 8:24am
Post Bugs/Errors Here
Although I did not encounter any errors, you might. An addon you have could be conflicting aswell. Post when the bug occurs and the code printed to the console so I can fix it.
Last edited by cigarillo cyrus; 15 Jun, 2014 @ 8:24am
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Showing 1-15 of 111 comments
Arciduca Zagaria 15 Jun, 2014 @ 9:47am 
This created when i kill a people that was hacking!
[Watch Dogs Phone] lua/weapons/weapon_hack_phone/shared.lua:52: Tried to use a NULL entity!
1. SendWeaponAnim - [C]:-1
2. unknown - lua/weapons/weapon_hack_phone/shared.lua:52
cigarillo cyrus  [developer] 15 Jun, 2014 @ 9:59am 
Originally posted by GoV-rcl Alcatraz:
This created when i kill a people that was hacking!
[Watch Dogs Phone] lua/weapons/weapon_hack_phone/shared.lua:52: Tried to use a NULL entity!
1. SendWeaponAnim - [C]:-1
2. unknown - lua/weapons/weapon_hack_phone/shared.lua:52

Thank you very much! This will be fixed on the next update.
el_dude_meister 15 Jun, 2014 @ 2:48pm 
After the view switches back to me after hacking a camera, I can't move.
TheFoureigner 15 Jun, 2014 @ 3:57pm 
I can hack Explosives and Cameras just fine but hacking player view, Signal Amps & Power Boosters it'll show the symbol but H will not appear inside of it nor can I hack it
Void_ 15 Jun, 2014 @ 9:32pm 
when i hack cameras it freezes me only fix to die
LimeJuu 15 Jun, 2014 @ 11:07pm 
i cant hack explosives
guys wat kinds of explosives? dynamite?
Last edited by LimeJuu; 15 Jun, 2014 @ 11:08pm
cigarillo cyrus  [developer] 15 Jun, 2014 @ 11:09pm 
Originally posted by ^Aus^Baller21:
i cant hack explosives
guys wat kinds of explosives? dynamite?

The explosives you can hack are preset and come with the addon. You find it in the entities tab under "Watch_Dogs"
P Λ Z 16 Jun, 2014 @ 1:12am 
do u know where the cameras are, and nothing happens when I put down the signal amps and power booster
Pr|cedisman 16 Jun, 2014 @ 4:38am 
I cant hack anything, I don't know why, I know amp's, and boosters are hackable, but I can't hack explosives, cameras, or buttons.
Thundersh0ck 16 Jun, 2014 @ 7:57am 
i cant hack cameras,buttons and players any help?but i can hack scars
Last edited by Thundersh0ck; 16 Jun, 2014 @ 7:57am
cigarillo cyrus  [developer] 16 Jun, 2014 @ 8:48am 
Originally posted by NR Thundershock:
i cant hack cameras,buttons and players any help?but i can hack scars

The camera tool's camera can be hacked, players can be hacked (not npcs) and buttons should be able to be hacked, both the default gmod ones and the wire ones.
cigarillo cyrus  [developer] 16 Jun, 2014 @ 8:50am 
Originally posted by Heff Laff Too Foo Yoo:
I cant hack anything, I don't know why, I know amp's, and boosters are hackable, but I can't hack explosives, cameras, or buttons.

I can only suggest temporarily disabling all of your other addons and seeing if it works then. If it does then you have a conflicting addon. From there on you would have to enable them back on one by one until it doesn't work again, to find the conflicting addon.
Pr|cedisman 16 Jun, 2014 @ 5:27pm 
[Watch Dogs Phone] lua/autorun/wd_config.lua:99: Tried to use a NULL entity!
1. GetPos - [C]:-1
2. unknown - lua/autorun/wd_config.lua:99

Timer Failed! [Simple][@lua/autorun/wd_config.lua (line 96)]
This had nothing to do with it not working, I just encountered this.
Hex 16 Jun, 2014 @ 8:52pm 
I've noticed while only trying to hack ONE of a persons keypads using primary fire, it opens all of theirs and inverses the toggle, so it stays open until they enter code, then i closes, then opens back..
[DSTM] Bryant 16 Jun, 2014 @ 9:38pm 
[Watch Dogs Phone] lua/autorun/server/wd_init.lua:19: attempt to call method 'IsAdmin' (a nil value)
1. unknown - lua/autorun/server/wd_init.lua:19
2. unknown - lua/includes/modules/concommand.lua:69
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