Project Zomboid

Project Zomboid

PZ-ClothingUI - Clothing items grid view
pagep  [developer] 29 Dec, 2021 @ 1:17pm
UX/UI Improvement ideas
Hello guys

We know that the current layout is not the best. However it's a problematic because there is a huge amount of slots where you can have your stuff equipped (some stuff covers multiple slots).

So it's not possible to render all the slots as you may have in RPG games (Like WoW etc)

If anyone have a good idea how to improve it, please feel free to share your ideas.

These are the current slots where you can equip your stuff:
BodyLocation = FannyPackFront, BodyLocation = FannyPackBack, BodyLocation = Hat, BodyLocation = Mask, BodyLocation = FullHat, BodyLocation = MaskEyes, BodyLocation = MaskFull, BodyLocation = FullHelmet, BodyLocation = Jacket, BodyLocation = FullTop, BodyLocation = JacketHat, BodyLocation = Sweater, BodyLocation = TorsoExtra, BodyLocation = SweaterHat, BodyLocation = Necklace, BodyLocation = Necklace_Long, BodyLocation = Neck, BodyLocation = Nose, BodyLocation = Ears, BodyLocation = EarTop, BodyLocation = Right_MiddleFinger, BodyLocation = Left_MiddleFinger, BodyLocation = Right_RingFinger, BodyLocation = Left_RingFinger, BodyLocation = RightWrist, BodyLocation = LeftWrist, BodyLocation = BellyButton, BodyLocation = Eyes, BodyLocation = LeftEye, BodyLocation = RightEye, BodyLocation = Hands, BodyLocation = Scarf, BodyLocation = Underwear, BodyLocation = MakeUp_FullFace, BodyLocation = MakeUp_Eyes, BodyLocation = MakeUp_EyesShadow, BodyLocation = MakeUp_Lips, BodyLocation = Belt, BodyLocation = BeltExtra, BodyLocation = AmmoStrap, BodyLocation = Tail, BodyLocation = Legs1, BodyLocation = Pants, BodyLocation = Skirt, BodyLocation = ShortSleeveShirt, BodyLocation = Shirt, BodyLocation = Tshirt, BodyLocation = TankTop, BodyLocation = Socks, BodyLocation = UnderwearInner, BodyLocation = Shoes, BodyLocation = Torso1Legs1, BodyLocation = BathRobe, BodyLocation = FullSuit, BodyLocation = FullSuitHead, BodyLocation = Dress, BodyLocation = UnderwearTop, BodyLocation = UnderwearBottom, BodyLocation = UnderwearExtra1, BodyLocation = UnderwearExtra2, BodyLocation = ZedDmg, BodyLocation = Bandage, BodyLocation = Wound,
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Showing 1-15 of 16 comments
diji 29 Dec, 2021 @ 5:04pm 
I'm not sure of the constraints of the UI system, so this may not be feasible, but perhaps you could show only the first few items and then show the additional items upon hovering/clicking on something? Then again that reduces the value of it being an "at a glance" panel that shows you everything at once, so it kind of depends on what your design goals are.

Also using icons (for example from instead of words (head, body, etc.) might save a tiny bit of space... or might not, depending on the size of the icons.
Zantimer 29 Dec, 2021 @ 11:34pm 
I think splitting the UI into a few parts could work, at not that much of a cost of convenience your mod aims to offer. For example, General for the main slots, essentially what the UI looks like now, and then separate tabs like Head, Arms, Legs, Torso, containing stuff like makeup and what not?
Ramp  [developer] 30 Dec, 2021 @ 12:36am 
Originally posted by diji:
I'm not sure of the constraints of the UI system, so this may not be feasible, but perhaps you could show only the first few items and then show the additional items upon hovering/clicking on something? Then again that reduces the value of it being an "at a glance" panel that shows you everything at once, so it kind of depends on what your design goals are.

Also using icons (for example from instead of words (head, body, etc.) might save a tiny bit of space... or might not, depending on the size of the icons.

I think all items visible "at a glance" is an important feature I would like to keep. So all equipped items should be visible.
I like the icons suggestion though, this might be a good way how to deal with the slot descriptions.
F4Ruke 30 Dec, 2021 @ 1:38am 
I think that in any case, all the slots will not fit as we would like, but we need to minimize the damage from the number of slots, I suggest instead of names or somehow add scrollbars (if possible), depending on the width of the window, and then accessibility for interaction will suffer less ... plus, as suggested earlier, instead of category names, make pictures, and you can still play with the scale and, if possible, add hand slots, I hope that at least somehow helped
djvirus 31 Dec, 2021 @ 2:57pm 
make it show the condition on the icon like this mod does:
djvirus 31 Dec, 2021 @ 3:00pm 
Scrap Armor Compatibility

Last edited by djvirus; 31 Dec, 2021 @ 3:00pm
pagep  [developer] 31 Dec, 2021 @ 4:13pm 
djvirus 31 Dec, 2021 @ 4:48pm 
Originally posted by pagep:
The progress bar looks great, logged here

By scrap armor you mean this mod?
pagep  [developer] 2 Jan, 2022 @ 9:17am 
@djvirus, would you be able to test out the compotability with scrap armor? It should be finished, you can download and manually install the plugin

Also if you could test out the options it would be great

ZeroEffekt 3 Jan, 2022 @ 4:33pm 
The Equipped Items window could certainly go for more slots shown, but I think a really simple solution would essentially be replacing the Trinkets row with Back/Bags & Trinkets buttons that pop up smaller windows to list things worn.

Back/Bags would be pretty straight forward (backpack on back, fanny pack in front, fanny pack/satchel in back), but the Trinkets might need its own window similar to the Equipped Items to list all of the places you have jewelry. 11 Trinket slots is just yikes. :)

I know the Fanny Pack & Satchel currently get listed as an Accessory, but it would be nice if they could be moved to the Back/Bag section I'm proposing. That would help reduce some Accessory clutter in the Equipped Items window.

Same suggestion, but replace Trinkets with Bag/Back, and make the Trinkets a button (like the [Inv] button) with its own pop-up window similar to the Equipped Items window.
Likewise, instead of another floating UI button, you could maybe make the Equipped Items window have two integrated buttons for Equipped Items & Trinkets. Then you could use one window and just click between the two sets of equipped items.

Finally, I think it would be nice to show empty boxes where items aren't worn, with right-click for context menus that list carried items (maybe items in nearby containers, too) that can be worn there.
Granted, you can already right-click the row labels (Head/Body/etc) to see what clothing can be equipped that you're carrying, but the context menu doesn't show if it will replace any of the equipped items.
Ramp  [developer] 5 Jan, 2022 @ 1:43am 
I like the idea of optionally visible trinkets, because there is just too many of them. Maybe do it like a tab similiar to health/info/etc of vanilla UI?
Or maybe, even better way would be make it collapsible (like in the TV interface, you can collapse the categories). This needs to be tested and see what players prefer more.

Empty boxes - I dont like this,because there are so many item categories (+ some possible modded categories). Having to display them all would be too much. Personally, I was thinking about improving the context menu. For example - after right click of the row label, add a color to the listed options indicating if the slot is occupied or not.
FYI - you can already see in the context menu if the item gets replaced.
ZeroEffekt 5 Jan, 2022 @ 5:24am 
Originally posted by Ramp:
I like the idea of optionally visible trinkets, because there is just too many of them. Maybe do it like a tab similiar to health/info/etc of vanilla UI?
Or maybe, even better way would be make it collapsible (like in the TV interface, you can collapse the categories). This needs to be tested and see what players prefer more.
Yeah, it'd be something like the Info/et al tabs in the player info window. Swapping between the two could be very viable for a solution.

Empty boxes - I dont like this,because there are so many item categories (+ some possible modded categories). Having to display them all would be too much. Personally, I was thinking about improving the context menu. For example - after right click of the row label, add a color to the listed options indicating if the slot is occupied or not.
FYI - you can already see in the context menu if the item gets replaced.
I suppose the empty boxes wouldn't be manageable, even with collapsible row menus (which is a pretty slick idea).
Adding extra Context to the row labels' menu could make it easy to display a 'Empty Slots' options, which could fork through menus for available empty slot types (Head / Face / Legs / etc), each with sub-menus that provide lists of all equipable items for that specific slot.

I never saw the context menu mention anything about items being replaced. I'm guessing I just wasn't wearing anything in the slots to begin with.
Kaldo 15 Jan, 2022 @ 2:29am 
Would it be feasible to display some sort of icon for item conditions, indicating at a glance which one is wet, dirty, bloody or has low condition?
Last edited by Kaldo; 15 Jan, 2022 @ 2:30am
May i suggest to add a right click action > fix icon.

You can drag it everywhere and it's great but i wonder if you could add the option to "fix" it to the place you want to
Cruel Moose 22 Mar, 2023 @ 12:49am 
Any chance you could add backpacks to the equipped items screen? Currently only shows the fannypack and back2 slot.
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