Sid Meier's Civilization VI

Sid Meier's Civilization VI

District Expansion: Goverment (Tier 4)
JNR  [developer] 16 Mar, 2019 @ 9:34am
Beta Feedback
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Showing 1-15 of 39 comments
pauloel7 16 Apr, 2019 @ 1:04pm 
Love the culture bomb feature. Also, as I've just finished a GS vanilla playthrough, it I can confirm that Tier 4 governments did feel lacking an additional slot, even though I had all wonders (one additional slot of each policy type). On the other hand, I'd rework the "moving capital" project. For me, the problem is be actually able to chose what city you want to have your government plaza in, for it provides good trade route and adjacency bonuses. More specifically, the issue is how to reconcile time and space with that choice, not to mention having to rebuild it all. Later in the game one would most likely want to move this key unique district to another better located and more prosperous city (which could be in another continent). Rebuild cost could/should be cheaper?
Last edited by pauloel7; 16 Apr, 2019 @ 1:05pm
JNR  [developer] 16 Apr, 2019 @ 1:10pm 
@pauloel7: Thank you for your feedback. The Government Plaza district itself cannot be moved. Also, moving your capital to another continent would allow exploiting colonialism mechanic (you could move it to a continent with just one of your cities, so all your other cities would count as "foreign"), which is why this mod only ever lets you move it on your home continent.

Part of what makes such one-time districts special is that you cannot move them but plan in advance where you need them when.

However, I do have a concept for adding a second district which would have your tier 3 and 4 buildings and become available in the industrial era, which would allow you to build yet another captial.

There could be bonuses for having your palace, Royal Court (tier 1-2 government plaza), and Parliament Plaza (tier 3-4 government plaza) all in different cities (federalism) and different bonuses for stacking as many of them as possible in one city (centralism).
pauloel7 16 Apr, 2019 @ 10:05pm 
Ow!! That sounds really awesome!!! And fair. Thank you, JNR.
ChrisMartin 18 Oct, 2019 @ 3:19am 
After completing "Military Operations Command Center", all my units get range distance and huge range that is. My bomber goes from 14 to 42 in range, and my artillery goes from 3 to 33.
Im running a lot of mods additional to your collection, so I'm looking for assistance to determent what other mod(s) conflict with this one. What type of mod(s) would be in conflict, and what logfile should I look into?
pauloel7 18 Oct, 2019 @ 5:04am 
Neither this mod Command Center nor RBU National Academy grant mobility bonus to combat units. Respectively, they grant 25%XP to land units (this mod), and +4 combat strength +100%XP to any unit trained in the city (RBU). You gotta look elsewhere. Run a search in your mod folder for the name of the building, then open the file(s) and from the building name, trace "ModifierId" and "ModifierType", and follow through the parameters to "ModifierArguments". You should eventually find something the changes combat unit mobility. I'd suspect your culprit would be a rather sophisticated mod, for the game does not have a straight modifier for mobility. It uses unit abilities, such "escort" from light cavalry (ModifierType=MODIFIER_UNIT_ADJUST_ESCORT_MOBILITY).
ChrisMartin 18 Oct, 2019 @ 6:54am 
Yeah, I also was peaking into the mod, but didn't get any smarter.
The range I was mention was attack range. So every unit, even a Tank, get attack range. Not only aircraft +3 mobility and +2 attack range (from MOCC) but every single unit in the game.

I noticed that values in ModifierArguments are added, and I suspect that an other mod is messing up this "ModifierArguments"

So I was hoping for help to point me in the direction to what buzz-word I should be looking for in Log-folder. Im using AstroGrep, so its simple for me to search large number of files after words or phrases.

I look into UC_GP_UnitAbilities.sql There I see that JNR_GOV_MOCC_AIRCRAFT_MOVES and JNR_GOV_MOCC_AIRCRAFT_RANGE are listing values. These two are connected to ABILITY_JNR_GOV_MOCC_AIRCRAFT, that again only are valid for TypeTags CLASS_AIRCRAFT

So there should be no fault in this end.
Last edited by ChrisMartin; 18 Oct, 2019 @ 7:11am
ChrisMartin 18 Oct, 2019 @ 7:12am 
MOCC is Military Operations Command Center, and that acronym are in use in JNR's files.
To be clear: The extreme extended travel and attack range to all units are given after the building are completed.
Last edited by ChrisMartin; 18 Oct, 2019 @ 7:13am
pauloel7 18 Oct, 2019 @ 7:24am 
Indeed, SubjectRequirementSetId is blank in the Modifiers, which might give room for some looping, I don't know. JNR defined and linked the ability to CLASS_AIRCRAFT, but...
pauloel7 18 Oct, 2019 @ 7:35am 
Here's a suggestion: add three columns in that modifier: "RunOnce", "NewOnly", "Permanent". Add their value "1" in the argument lines. See if that fixes. If not, try writing the SubjectRequirementSetId for CLASS_AIRCRAFT in order to ensure no looping. Given your description, you'll have to do both.
Last edited by pauloel7; 18 Oct, 2019 @ 8:12am
JNR  [developer] 18 Oct, 2019 @ 7:47am 
first thing would be to check with a database viewer if any of the other mods applies the "class_aircraft" tag to all those other units.
ChrisMartin 18 Oct, 2019 @ 9:06am 
Hmmm... The only mod that has CLASS_AIRCRAFT in its files, is Real Building Upgrades, by infixo. And an additional observation; After MOCC is build, the mod Better Report Screen, by infixio also acts up in game, and also prints errors in lua.log.
Maybe we have some of the same issues that we had with Better Loading Screen vs Green Cities earlier this month? Boiling down to different ways of modding, might cause incompatibilities?
Ref infixo 10th of Oct:

Any thoughts?
pauloel7 18 Oct, 2019 @ 9:19am 
JNR, can one get a free database viewer from the internet? If so, may I ask you for a link? I am not familiar with it, but sounds useful.
JNR  [developer] 18 Oct, 2019 @ 3:01pm 
it shouldn't be the same issue, but I'm not sure how the Report Screen mod works, exactly. Probably I once again didn't define a text string that became mandatory with Infixo's mod. Will check Real Building Upgrades.

@pauloel7: SQLiteStudio is good. There are several tutorials online for civ for how to load the game's database into it.
JNR  [developer] 18 Oct, 2019 @ 3:10pm 
@ChrisMartin: I found the error. Attack range was applied to all units by every unit. Instead of just the unit itself. Funny, considering that the hotfix I once made for the Dockyard and XP bonuses was due to the exact same type of error, lol
ChrisMartin 18 Oct, 2019 @ 8:40pm 
Are you talking about a Firaxis bug? Is this something you can look into, or should I reach out to Infixo?
Thank you for your time, and I really appreciate your work.
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