The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Maverick  [developer] 5 Aug, 2013 @ 11:00pm
If you have any ideas how I can improve Ebonvale then please let me know. I welcome constructive criticism so please don't shy away.
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Showing 1-15 of 91 comments
Orbis 6 Aug, 2013 @ 8:15am 
Backstory. I think I've said enough.
velociraptor 6 Aug, 2013 @ 8:32am 
How about adding a player home? :) I'm really liking the town.
[BTS][ ] 6 Aug, 2013 @ 2:03pm 
How about adding a fencer so that thieves have an alternate place to fence their stuff. I know making new character I'd really like to sell my stolen goods at somewhere other than Riftens Thieves Guild.
Lyght 6 Aug, 2013 @ 3:39pm 
Maybe a better Location. Because, it's too close to Riverwood and theres sooo much area in skyrim wheres theres nothing but grass, trees and mountians.
Maverick  [developer] 6 Aug, 2013 @ 7:08pm 
@ Blaster Medic Working on it now.

@ Veryangryfairy Working on it. Will be located over the mine.

@Nightfyre I considered this. Seeing as there is only one in the game that requires a series of quests to use, I didn't want to take away from that. I also didn't want to encourage people to steal from town and sell the items inside. So I'll have to decline for now.

@ Oleg Moving the town is not easy. Finding a proper location is even harder. I honestly looked for 2 days before I started this mod. Even started making this town in another area before I gave in to the location. I understand some people are not happy with the location. I'm going to try and make it work so Ebonvale does not overshadow Riverwood. Perhaps add a quest line that connects them or make an additional mod that connects them better with a good story. I'm looking into it.
Blast Lord 6 Aug, 2013 @ 7:18pm 
Suggestion is doing small questlines to trigger a major questline which would be something to do. Also should add like raid questlines as well like bandits attack the trade center as a radient questline. Another suggestion is doing trade questing which you'll have to deliver stuff to people all across skyrim also sometimes you'll be attacked by bandits and others who want's the important deliverly you have to give to the buyer.
Last edited by Blast Lord; 6 Aug, 2013 @ 7:25pm
Blast Lord 6 Aug, 2013 @ 8:02pm 
Should definaly be a big main questline for the ebony mines got some ideas if you need some also if your interisted in joining our modding group just holler.
Orpheus 6 Aug, 2013 @ 8:03pm 
I would love the guards to have new armor. Daedric and Ebony is to much (Who ever heard of rich guards right?), Rearm them with Whiterun Guard armor. Also the inn rooms are way to rich, maybe take away some of the golden candles or plaques, I don't know the town feels to rich to me. I love the mod otherwise GW XD
Last edited by Orpheus; 6 Aug, 2013 @ 8:04pm
Scottyboy254 6 Aug, 2013 @ 8:18pm 
My only problem is that the warrior follower, at least, is way too OP, I dont even get a shot in and the enemy is dead, this is a problem because I like capturing souls, but I need to hit the person first.
Maverick  [developer] 6 Aug, 2013 @ 8:25pm 
@ I welcome your ideas Blast. You seem to have a lot of love for the game. First thing I need to do is find a quest designer. Atm I am a little winded and the quest aspect is a whole new department of the creation kit. This was no tiny project. Feel free to throw ideas my way. Also know that this town will have an epic badit raid quest. That I will not pass up.

@Orpheus I plan to make some sense as to why the town is so rich but I understand your point of view here. Perhaps I did go a little overboard on the clutter.

One of the biggest issues I have in this game is how the guards operate. Everyone of them looks and feels the same. On top of that they are near useless at their job. They are push overs as early as level one at normal difficulty. I remeber playing Morrowind back in the day where the guards were utter monsters for most the game. It made stealing and crimes more risky. I don't want my guards be like the bums throughout skyrim. The guards armor is not owned by them. I plan on explaining that if I can in the back story. I'll will really consider this request though as it is a good point.
Last edited by Maverick; 6 Aug, 2013 @ 8:26pm
Maverick  [developer] 6 Aug, 2013 @ 8:27pm 
Originally posted by Scottyboy254:
My only problem is that the warrior follower, at least, is way too OP, I dont even get a shot in and the enemy is dead, this is a problem because I like capturing souls, but I need to hit the person first.

Yup, I agree. I knew he was kinda op from the moment I put him together. I will tone him down next update.
Blast Lord 6 Aug, 2013 @ 8:40pm 
Another suggestion for the main questline which the Ancient Temple in the Ebony mines should hold ancient treasures beyond your your imagination as well as ancient spells and powerful weapons not over powered weapon. I would firstwrite down the questline for the main storyline of your mod also will there be heroes and villains who will try to steal the treasure in the ancient temple deep with in the Ebony mines. Also Ebonvale should have it's own symble the the holds have their symbles on their shields which would make Ebonvale more of a trade town for Skyrim. The Ending of the main questline you'll be able to unlock the customizeable player home which you can upgrade it and add more stuff onto it.
Last edited by Blast Lord; 6 Aug, 2013 @ 8:46pm
Maverick  [developer] 6 Aug, 2013 @ 9:07pm 
Good ideas. I'm going to spend some time today working on the story. While I want Ebonvale to have some mystical aspects, I want to keep the story more in line of politics, trade, economy and have some fueds between Riverwood and Whiterun.

These are all great ideas for the dungeon and I'll note them down. I plan on having some order from the skyrim story be affiliated with whats inside there. Could be the vigilants of stendarr. They didn't have enough story and it opens room for more Daedra related quests and maybe even a Daedra dungeon! Something Skyrim lacked. I also plan on giving the followers in town side storys as well.

Having a custom shield and logo is something I could probably do. I'll work on that. I'll consider your group invite at a later date. Thanks for your ideas and support!
Mackob 7 Aug, 2013 @ 8:40am 
I think something interesting to do would to make the player's home (when you add it) obtainable through a questline. I hate that you have to pay a large amount of gold for the home in solitude and I think a quest would be a nice way to obtain a home.
Blast Lord 7 Aug, 2013 @ 8:54am 
Originally posted by Maverick:
Good ideas. I'm going to spend some time today working on the story. While I want Ebonvale to have some mystical aspects, I want to keep the story more in line of politics, trade, economy and have some fueds between Riverwood and Whiterun.

These are all great ideas for the dungeon and I'll note them down. I plan on having some order from the skyrim story be affiliated with whats inside there. Could be the vigilants of stendarr. They didn't have enough story and it opens room for more Daedra related quests and maybe even a Daedra dungeon! Something Skyrim lacked. I also plan on giving the followers in town side storys as well.

Having a custom shield and logo is something I could probably do. I'll work on that. I'll consider your group invite at a later date. Thanks for your ideas and support!

Also during the questlines you'll be able to unlock new weapons, armor, trickets and such at the shop keepers even more rare stuff to unlock as well. It would be perfect for the treasure to be in an ancient Daedra temple inside the Ebony Mines which would be a good plot for the main questline.
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