Master of Orion

Master of Orion

817 ratings
5X - The Ultimate Balance Mod
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3.206 MB
15 Nov, 2016 @ 12:02am
2 Apr, 2024 @ 7:43pm
55 Change Notes ( view )

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5X - The Ultimate Balance Mod

Spud Dastardly presents the biggest Master of Orion: Conquer the Stars mod in the galaxy! This mod is massive overhaul of the gameplay experience. It's effectively a full expansion pack for the game. It includes a total rebalance of every aspect of gameplay, new technologies, improved AI, and much more. For a broad overview of what this mod does, see the Readme on ModDB.

Languages: English, German (Deutsch), Russian (русский), Spanish (Spain) (Español (España)), French (Français), Polish (Polskie)

If you're new to MoO mods, you may want to start with this guide.

The Unofficial Code Patch by WhatIsSol is highly recommended for use with or without this mod! You can get it on Steam or at ModDB. Be sure to follow the UCP install instructions on the UCP mod page. If you are going to use UCP with 5X, it is necessary to use the 5X UCP Compatibility mod (5XCPC)

5X was featured in a series of videos by YouTubers Mal and Sabouts a while back! They played two games on impossible difficulty (using version 2.3.1). You can see it on Youtube. I also did an interview with eXplorminate[] along with WhatIsSol about 5X and UCP.

I've put many hours of work into this mod! If you would like to show your appreciation with a donation, you can do so here.[]

Also check out these related mods:
  • 5X UCP Compatibility Mod (5XCPC) is for players using 5X with WhatIsSol's Unofficial Code Patch. It re-enables several features which were disabled due to bugs, and it takes advantage of some modding features added by UCP. I highly recommend using both UCP and this addon!
  • Split Tech Tree is an addon for 5X that re-arranges the entire tech tree into 8 separate branches to make it more like a MoO2 style tech tree. This completely changes the tech tree strategy, so if you want to shake things up with a totally rearranged tech tree, give it a shot!
  • 5X Lite is a lighter version of the 5X mod that includes most of the balance adjustments of 5X but none of the added technologies, tech tree changes, added uber biomes, etc. It's for players who want a more balanced game but one that's closer to the original in terms of its scope. Don't use this one at the same time as 5X.
  • ALL AI + 5X galaxies allows you to play with every race at the same time on 5X galaxies (this may cause some issues, which is why it's not in the base 5X). This mod can be used standalone or with 5X. There is also a no wormhole variant.
  • Single Warpgate Systems forces every star system to have just one warp gate.
  • Diverse Specials and Massive Planets is a popular mod created by Morpheus to add dozens of new planetary resources to the galaxy. This version is fully compatible with 5X, but you should load it before the 5X UCP Compatibility mod, and you can't use it at the same time as Split Tech Tree.
  • Custom 5X and DSMP Assets contains new ship icons for the alternate hull types introduced in v4.0 as well as new planet icons for the added uber biomes. It also includes some resource icons for DSMP.
  • Tactical mod by Vaaish re-balances various weapon techs in 5X to give an alternate approach to how different weapons are utilized as well as providing more distinctive AI blueprints.
For reference, the correct load order for the above mods if you should choose to use any of them is:
  • 5X
  • UCP
  • DSMP
  • 5XCPC
  • Tactical Mod
  • Split Tech Tree
  • ALL AI + 5X Galaxies
  • Custom 5X and DSMP Assets

Popular Discussions View All (81)
25 Sep, 2024 @ 10:05am
PINNED: Version 5.x Feedback and Bug Reports
Spud Dastardly
3 Jan @ 1:21pm
Endless Processing Turn
23 May, 2024 @ 5:34pm
Struggling with Difficulty, Looking for Advice
mauler78 23 Jan @ 8:36am 
Anyone run into an issue where when making a custom ship that the 2 hull selections have the same stats. So there is not difference between and destroyer/ironclad or cruiser/gunship. While I just play around it for now, it is making some fleet choices and designs impossible for me.

I am currently running these mods in this order

5X The Ultimate Balance Mod
Unofficial Code Patch (Local)
Unoffical Code Patch Steam Workshop (Not sure if this is a duplicate of the above)
DSMP V2.5 5X/UCP Comp
5X UCP Compatibility Mod
Custom 5X and DSMP Assets
Perk Points 25
RasterOps 16 Jan @ 4:48am 
Tachyon Comm. CP is NOT balanced.
Starbase CP was doubled: 5 to 10
Ship CP was doubled
Tachyon Comm is +2 CP per Starbase, not doubled!
Staur Candybar 13 Jan @ 3:14pm 
oh intresting thanks.
Spud Dastardly  [author] 13 Jan @ 3:08pm 
Mods don't lock achievements in this game.
Staur Candybar 13 Jan @ 3:06pm 
Just started playing the game agien see how my new comp can handel it, and liked to try to get achivements i havent gotten so was wondering if i should get this mod or not.
GreenGoo 13 Jan @ 7:42am 
No, don't think so. It's been awhile.
Staur Candybar 13 Jan @ 4:55am 
Dose this mod lock achivements?
luisdlc 30 Dec, 2024 @ 11:27am 
That must be it!

I knew UCP "unlocked" a lot, but with your 5x UBM events are common enough that I am experiencing a lot of "new stuff".

I meant to "upgrade" to 5X UBM years ago, but my life derailed. I’m “back on tracks” now and finally got to play again. I wanted to play "(UCP) vanilla" enough, to truly appreciate UBM…

I’m keenly aware of everything you’ve done. My God, if this game had released with what UCP+5XUBM do, it’d have been a complete success.

Again, thank you so much for everything. This is currently my favorite game.
Spud Dastardly  [author] 29 Dec, 2024 @ 11:10am 
UCP adds the hyperspace flux event including the unused GNN footage which was already in the files as well as several other random events. 5X increases the chances of these events appearing compared to UCP's original settings, which have them appearing quite rarely.
luisdlc 29 Dec, 2024 @ 4:28am 
Thank you so much for everything.

I've noticed I get way more in-game-events with 5X + UCP than with UCP alone; some I had never seen before (with some GNN "footage" I never saw before). Is it posible that 5X unlocks some content that UCP alone doesn't?

(For example, there's a "flux" event that prevents warp travel between star systems for many turns, and a "plague" event that affects a single colony -similar to the super nova event- which requires research to be fixed. Both I had never seen before using 5X with UCP vs using UCP only.)