Arma 3
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Altis 90's
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6. März 2020 um 20:48
16. Dez. 2020 um 1:43
7 Änderungshinweise (anzeigen)
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Altis 90's


Altis 90's is a 1990's themed faction mod for Arma 3 using Global Mobilization. Despite the end of the cold war, the echoes of the international non-conflict still have serious consequence for the relatively recently founded liberal democracy of the Republic of Altis & Stratis. From communist insurgent holdouts, to mysterious fighters with advanced western equipment wandering around various camps in the countryside, the troubles simply do not end.

- Three factions, AAF(90's), APLIF, and Operation Xiphos
- Retextured equipment for those factions
- Retextured vehicles for those factions
- 90's version of my Altian Special Air Service.

The national state armed forces of the Republic of Altis & Stratis, this conscript-based military has seen a large influx of equipment and vehicles thanks to post-cold war demoblizations in Western and Eastern Europe. Their task: End the communist insurgency and defend the external national interest.

Since the republic's establishment, the organization has been at war with the Altian People's Liberation & Independence Front, being narrowly cornered on one end of Altis at one tense point in the 70's, however since then the AAF has managed to corner APLIF as its last remaining international backers withdraw with the closing down of the cold war.

Their equipment is primarily imported from the USA and Western Europe, alongside locally produced clothing using their natively developed ALTPAT pattern. Alongside this equipment are BMP's imported from the recently unified Germany, with the AAF buying them to make up for a lack of transport M113's caused by specialization conversion programs.

The armed wing of the Altian Political Committee for National Liberation, this (now) semi-conventional force was once a serious contender for domination over Altis, however since the collapse of the Soviet Union & the Warsaw Pact, and with its equipment having seen better days, many experts predict their eventual defeat at the hands of the AAF. The group's hopes are so dire that they've had to resort to stealing AAF equipment to sustain their semi-conventional capability.

A secretive army founded and supplied by NATO, this paramilitary stay-behind organisation was originally meant to fight a guerrila war if the communists took over, however now that the defeat of APLIF is within sight, the members of the group, individually suspected of far right ties by the government, may turn their modern weapons against the Republic.

- IndeedPete for vanilla texture templates
- Vertexmacht for the AAF national insignia
- Po for the amazing short video

Join us and keep up to date with my mods on the A3 Hub discord @

Alternatively if you enjoy Global Mobilization, i recommend joining the official GlobMob discord @

- I will NOT be making RHS or CUP versions of this mod
- I will be continually supporting this mod as GLOBMOB adds new content
- A BIKEY & BISIGN file is included for those wishing to add the mod to their server or modpacks.
- Please keep in mind that SOME units may use other dlc content, but possession of other dlc is NOT mandatory to use this mod. The only mod that is mandatory to have in order to use this mod is Global Mobilization

ALIVE Class names for factions are
- AAF(90's): ACM_AAFGM
- AAF(Winter, 90's) ACM_AAFGM_Win
- Altian Police(90's): ACM_APD

Arma Public Licence - Share Alike
Beliebte Diskussionen Alle anzeigen (4)
15. Juni 2023 um 20:24
25. Mai 2020 um 12:45
Regarding Altis 90's and Spinoff mods
27. Nov. 2022 um 12:53
152 Kommentare
SauravX 27. Nov. 2024 um 8:36 
this AAF seems a bit too modern for a 90s faction, think its more like a mid to late 2000s faction. but I still like the mod and think its great.
shark 3. Aug. 2023 um 15:34 
can this be turn into a antistasi faction
Overlord Zorn 12. Juni 2023 um 14:10 
Any plans to add the new assets from the recent updates like the VW Bus etc.
Corporal Ray Person 28. Mai 2023 um 7:17 
Update when
Hyena 28. Okt. 2022 um 9:08 
Do you actually have the GM dlc or compat data? It's kinda necessary
Bruhmoments 7. Okt. 2022 um 13:44 
same issue like operatorsartor here no idea why it does that
OperatorSartor 8. Aug. 2022 um 22:42 
the military people just have the outfit on and no body armor or guns besides a pistol and a m14 ocassionally
OperatorSartor 8. Aug. 2022 um 22:42 
when i load the mod and the game i get an error saying ACM_AAFGM _Clothes require addon gm_characters_pl_characters
any ideas?
YusriPro 24. Juni 2022 um 6:09 
this gives me balkan war vibes
Kyoptic 21. Okt. 2021 um 11:02 
Hi, could this work with the the GMob assets mod, or is the DLC required?