Contraption Maker

Contraption Maker

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Birthday Royale
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Level Type: Puzzle, Battling Cards
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47.488 KB
19 avr. 2018 à 20h05
7 juin 2021 à 20h37
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Birthday Royale

Dans 1 collection faite par wildgoosespeeder
WGS's Contraption Maker Puzzles
90 objets
It's the King's birthday. Blow out his candle.
7 commentaires
wildgoosespeeder  [créateur] 7 juin 2021 à 20h38 
Trying something. I think I finally fixed J3LLY's shortcut. I can always revert to the previous version that was exploitable. It was just a color block add.
wildgoosespeeder  [créateur] 6 mai 2018 à 17h38 
I don't know if I should just leave it or fix it at this point.
wildgoosespeeder  [créateur] 5 mai 2018 à 9h07 
Fixed (I believe).
wildgoosespeeder  [créateur] 4 mai 2018 à 19h38 
I have been meaning to bring the wall down lower.
K4TIE-J3LLY 4 mai 2018 à 15h28 
desantoos 21 avr. 2018 à 11h27 
This is a really good one that has a neat mental block: a part that is considered a goal typically doesn't get used anytime before its goal state, let alone used as the first item. The cannon doesn't look like it would do anything there initially.