

42 ratings
The Bookstore Compendium
This is the list of mods that support or add content to the bookstore.
Items (8)
The Bookstore
Created by GonDragon
Works in 1.4 Adds a new bookstore to the Outpost. This mod is intended to be used as a framework, a kind of "Tabula Rasa" for codex entries, where other modders could put their own books, and create their own categories. A lot of modders add books to the g...
Codex - A bookstore addon
Created by GonDragon
This mod is an addon for the mo The Bookstore. It adds all the Codex entries as purchasable books, implementing three new tabs: Races, Missions and Other....
gensou's legacy lore - The Bookstore addon FULL
Created by gensou ichida
DO NOT USE IF YOU ALREADY HAVE THE LITE VERSION OF THIS INSTALLED, I'M WARNING YOU if you'd prefer only having some of the rarer codexes for purchase, unsubscribe and get this instead: adds ...
gensou's legacy lore - The Bookstore addon LITE
Created by gensou ichida
DO NOT USE IF YOU ALREADY HAVE THE FULL VERSION OF THIS INSTALLED, I'M WARNING YOU if you'd prefer having all the codexes in the shop, unsubscribe and get this instead: adds a sampling of ra...
Racial Crafting Manuals for the Bookstore
Created by 16BitPotato
Allows you to learn the crafting recipes of a species by purchasing their respective crafting guide from the Bookstore. No more shall Glitch need wear antiquated armor designs, and no more shall humans be stuck with hoodies and tanktops for casual-wear. On...
[OBSOLETE] Project Redemption-Bookstore Compat
Created by Armok
NOTE: As of the latest update to Project Redemption, this integration patch has been folded into Project Redemption itself and is now redundant, please unsubscribe if you wish to avoid log spam. simply enables codicies from project redemption to be obtaina...
Novakid Codices
Created by jss2a98aj
Adds over a dozen new codices for the Novakids, distributing them throughout world. All of them, barring a new Hiraki Corale journal, are put in a brand-new codex tab. Most of the new codices can be found in Novakid Villages, with a few in Apex Bases. Inte...
Cut Content - Hiraki Corale Codices
Created by jss2a98aj
Restores twelve cut Hiraki Corale codices, distributing ten of them in the dungeons they once came from. All vanilla and many modded Hiraki Corale codices are moved to a brand-new codex tab. Locations of the codices: Apex City Apartments A Pleasant Town Fr...