Nothing like ALARA Prime! The groundbreaking free-to-play, 4v4v4 competitive tactical first-person shooter. Choose your class, utilize an array of gadgets, dominate the game or play the other teams against each other.
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Ngày dự kiến phát hành: 2025

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Về trò chơi này

ALARA Prime is a free-to-play, 4v4v4 competitive tactical first-person shooter. Choose your class, utilize a wide array of gadgets, take advantage of your surroundings, and work together to claim victory. The 3-team format of Transmission mode opens the door to new strategic choices. Teams can backstab, stay focused on the objective, or wait for their moment when the enemy least expects an attack. Pull into the lead and you’ll have to watch your back at every turn.


Three teams of four compete over control of an Uplink. One team defends and the other two attack. Teams take turns defending, with a new team defending each round from a different site on the map.


There are four classes - Assault, Infiltrator, Support, and Engineer. Some weapons and gadgets are unique to each class. The class you choose can change the playstyle significantly. Will you rush head on into the fight with superior firepower, take your time, gather intel and make strategic hits, stay back to support your team, or fortify your defenses and set traps? Build synergy with your team and work together to claim victory.


There are various weapons to match your playstyle. From assault rifles, submachine guns, shotguns, and pistols, to a heavy bolt-action sniper rifle. Each class gets access to a different set of primaries and sidearms along with a secondary ability that comes with all primary weapons.


Take advantage of an array of gadgets to help you and your team in your efforts - throw grenades, set traps, block entries, deploy drones to hack enemy gadgets, gather intel with infiltration gadgets, or use decoys to confuse your enemy. You’ll be able to take advantage of 22 different gadgets that fall into one of five categories: intelligence, infiltration, support, offence, and defence. Each class offers some unique gadgets.


"Oasis" is our first map and it features everything from close-quarters combat to exterior sniper lanes. Bunker down and use the map’s tight interiors to fortify your position, or take the fight to the enemy. Choose your tactics, find your opponents weaknesses and outwit them. One team will take it all!

Công bố về nội dung tạo bởi AI

Nhà phát triển mô tả cách trò chơi của họ dùng nội dung sáng tạo bởi AI như sau:

We use Gen AI to generate the voice over lines used by our avatars in game.

Mô tả nội dung mang yếu tố trưởng thành

Nội dung theo lời tả của nhà phát triển:

Contains violence between avatars in game.

Yêu cầu hệ thống

    Tối thiểu:
    • Yêu cầu vi xử lý và hệ điều hành đều chạy 64-bit
    • HĐH: TBD
    • Bộ xử lý: TBD
    • Bộ nhớ: TBD GB RAM
    • Đồ họa: TBD
    • Kết nối: Cáp mạng Internet
    • Lưu trữ: TBD GB chỗ trống khả dụng
    Khuyến nghị:
    • Yêu cầu vi xử lý và hệ điều hành đều chạy 64-bit
    • HĐH: Windows 10 / Windows 11
    • Bộ xử lý: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 / Intel Core i7-9700 CPU
    • Bộ nhớ: 16 GB RAM
    • Đồ họa: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 / AMD Radeon RX 6800
    • Kết nối: Cáp mạng Internet
    • Lưu trữ: 30 GB chỗ trống khả dụng
Chưa có đánh giá cho sản phẩm này

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