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Playing as a wolf, you have to navigate your way around a vast dried up sea bed. Build your base, scavenge for food, and follow simple missions whilst you explore around sun bleached rocks and long forgotten ship wrecks. However, you must avoid poachers, unfriendly wolves and many other dangers at all costs. Can you find your cub in time?
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Early Access -peli

Voit pelata näitä pelejä viipymättä – jo niiden kehitysvaiheessa.

Huomaa: Early Access -pelit ovat keskeneräisiä ja saattavat vielä muuttua. Jos et halua pelata peliä sen tämänhetkisessä tilassa, odota ja tarkista peli myöhemmin uudelleen. Lue lisää

Huomaa: viimeisin kehittäjien tekemä päivitys tapahtui yli 6 vuotta sitten. Kehittäjien tässä kuvaamat tiedot ja aikajana eivät välttämättä ole enää ajan tasalla.
Kehittäjien kertomaa:

Miksi Early Access?

We feel that Early Access is the right point to introduce Became The Hunted. As developers, we are very happy with the direction and form the gameplay is taking. However, FourthPixel are also keen to hear feedback from the community, with regards to comments on how this game can be changed for the better; whether this be through a new plot line, a change in scenery, or by notifying us of a random hidden bug or glitch.

Miten kauan peli tulee arviolta olemaan Early Access -vaiheessa?

We envisage that Became The Hunted, will be in Early Access for somewhere between 1 and 2 years. We will be using this time to improve and expand gameplay so players will expect to benefit from periodic developmental changes to the terrain, game-play, characters and plot line.

Millä tavoin lopullinen versio tulee eroamaan Early Access -versiosta?

The full version of Became the Hunted will have a fully fleshed out quest system, advanced AI, extra things to do and much, much more!

Mikä on Early Access -version tila tällä hetkellä?

Became the Hunted is currently in its infancy. At the moment, the game offers players a wide area to explore with all basic survival features working. (Players will need to find food; maintain their energy levels; collect scraps to make a base etc in order to progress through the game). A robust plot and many other working features. However, further work and collaboration is needed to transform it into a slick, open world game with clever plot line and stunning visuals (whilst remaining true to its low poly style).

Muuttuuko pelin hinta Early Access -vaiheen jälkeen?

Yes, we plan to raise the price slowly to reflect improved content and greater features that will be contained within the evolving game.

Miten yhteisö otetaan mukaan kehitysprosessiin?

We are very open to receiving comments from the community, with members encouraged to contact FouthPixel with ideas for improving gameplay or notifying us of areas in which improvements or bug fixes are needed. This can be via links to our email, website, social media platforms etc.
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Osta Became The Hunted

Katso kaikki keskustelut

Ilmoita bugeista ja anna tälle pelille palautetta keskustelupalstalla

Tietoa pelistä

Became The Hunted is a role playing adventure game set in a cracked scrubland that was once a former sea bed.

You are a lone wolf, whose cub has been snatched by poachers. A massive, open world full of adventure and exploration awaits you as you search for clues as to the location of your cub.

When you initially awake and find your cub missing, the race begins. Travel throughout the land; searching amidst the sun bleached rocks, extensive ravines, luscious forests, find hidden caves and explore long forgotten shipwrecks whilst looking for your stolen cub. However, keep a careful eye on your stamina, health and hunger levels because if either one of them drops too low - you will die! As you progress through the game levels you will be able to scavenge for scraps to build a camp to rest; food to eat and water to drink which will increase your levels and enable you to keep going for longer. And remember - avoid the randomly occurring sand storms which can seriously limit your vision.

Do you have what it takes to conquer the sub missions as you head towards the end goal of reuniting with your missing cub? Get, Became the Hunted, now and see if you have what it takes.


    • Vaatii 64-bittisen suorittimen ja käyttöjärjestelmän
    • Käyttöjärjestelmä: 17134
    • Suoritin: AMD A10-7860k
    • Muisti: 5 GB RAM
    • Grafiikka: GTX960 4GB Independent DDR5 128Bit
    • Tallennus: 5 GB kiintolevytilaa
    • Vaatii 64-bittisen suorittimen ja käyttöjärjestelmän

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