6-in-1 IQ Scale Bundle - This is a set of games for brain training. Just a few minutes a day will help you improve your memory, attention, speed of decision making, etc. Improve your brain and compare your results with other people in the leaderboards!
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1 brugeranmeldelser - Flere anmeldelser krævet for at generere en score
13. juli 2018

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Køb 6-in-1 IQ Scale Bundle

HK$ 18.00


Having bought this game you will receive as a gift 5 keys from the games removed from the store:

  • 2-in-1 Fluid Intelligence -
  • 3-in-1 Bundle Brain Trainings -
  • 4-in-1 IQ Scale Bundle -
  • 5-in-1 Bundle Brain Trainings -
  • 6-in-1 IQ Scale Bundle -
On the second video you can see how to get a gift.
Note: to receive a gift you must spend at least 2 hours in the game. If the game is returned, the keys will be deactivated. We store information about the received keys, and periodically check the rights to the game. At any time after the return, the keys can be deactivated and you can no longer receive new ones. Even if you re-buy the game. If you have already made a refund, you can save the gift if you buy the game again before the keys are deactivated.

Om dette spil

6-in-1 IQ Scale Bundle - This is a set of games for brain training. Just a few minutes a day will help you improve your memory, attention, speed of decision making, etc. Improve your brain and compare your results with other people in the leaderboards!


  • 3 games for improve memory
  • 1 game for improve attention
  • 1 game for improve speed of thinking
  • 1 game for improve arithmetic skills of fast counting
  • Progress graph for all games for tracking
  • Leaderboards

Meteor Rain

The game is a brain game to test/enhance your mental calculations skill. Doing calculations in mind also perfects your focus, working memory and processing speed of information.


This is a game for the development of memory and attention. During the game you will need to fuel all the starships.


The game is aimed at training the speed of reaction and thinking. There is a myth that the reaction rate is the same for all, but it is not. You can easily verify this. It is enough to pass the test to determine the speed of reaction with friends or relatives. You will notice that it is different. Even one person during the day shows a different reaction rate. Another myth says that the reaction rate can not be improved. This is also not so. A lot of research confirms that the reaction is significantly increased due to exercise.

Observation Speed

The game is a variant of a memory-span task. Originally it was based on a Digit Span task, but unlike Digit Span it requires the use of visual-spatial memory.


A game for flexible thinking. If the screen starships red, it is necessary to specify their direction. If the screen starships blue, you should specify their direction of movement.

Musical Planets

A memory game. The essence of the game is to remember and repeat the sequence of the melody after the computer. After each correct answer, the chain of the melody increases.


    • Kræver en 64-bit processor og operativsystem
    • Styresystem *: Windows 7 or later
    • Processor: intel Core 2 Dual
    • Hukommelse: 512 MB RAM
    • Grafik: 128 MB
    • Lydkort: Any
    • Kræver en 64-bit processor og operativsystem
* Fra den 1. januar 2024 understøttes Steam-klienten kun på Windows 10 og senere udgaver.

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