Welcome to The Outer Rim, where fast paced action and space combat meet. The Outer Rim: Survivor missions are free to download and play...Pure Action, Pure Mayhem - How long can you last?
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대체로 긍정적 (65) - 이 게임에 대한 사용자 평가 65개 중 73%가 긍정적입니다.
2018년 4월 3일

로그인하셔서 게임을 찜 목록에 추가하거나, 팔로우하거나 또는 제외하기로 표시하세요.

앞서 해보기 게임

지금 바로 플레이할 수 있습니다. 게임이 개발되는 과정에 참여하세요.

참고: 앞서 해보기 게임은 완성된 게임이 아니며 개발이 진행됨에 따라 크게 바뀔 수 있습니다. 게임의 현재 상태가 흥미롭지 않게 느껴진다면, 개발이 더 진행될 때까지 기다려 보세요. 앞서 해보기에 대해 자세히 알아보세요.

개발자의 한마디:

왜 앞서 해보기를 하나요?

“I'm releasing this game through Early Access for 2 reasons

1) To help get feedback from the public on the current state of the game, feedback on any bugs found, issues on different hardware, over all impressions as well as ideas on improving the game.

2) To get exposure for a crowd funding round happening soon to help finish the campaign mode of the game, as well as improved graphics and sound.

As a 1 person indie development "team" getting early public feedback is essential to getting this game to where I want it to be, and I see Early Access as the best way of getting the feedback I need.”

이 게임의 앞서 해보기 기간은 얼마인가요?

“I expect this game to be in Early Access for the next 2 months while bugs and features are worked out and the Campaign mode is worked on.

The Campaign mode may not be completed before Survivor is removed from Early Access, this part will be available as a DLC”

정식 버전은 앞서 해보기 버전과 어떻게 달라지나요?

“The full version will have the Campaign mode enabled as well as improved graphics and sound”

지금 앞서 해보기 버전은 어떤 상태인가요?

“Survival Mode is nearing completion, but will still contain bugs as it still needs more testing on multiple hardware setups.”

앞서 해보기 동안과 앞서 해보기 이후의 게임 가격이 다르게 매겨지나요?

“The final version of Outer Rim: Survivor will be kept as a free game, but the Campaign missions will be a paid DLC.”

개발 과정에 어떻게 커뮤니티를 참여시킬 계획이신가요?

“I would like the community to help guide the direction of the game. I'm very open to ideas on improving the game flow and features.

Direct feedback is welcome and encouraged on thoughts and improvements to the game.”
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The Outer Rim: Survivor 플레이

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게임 정보

Welcome to The Outer Rim, where fast paced action and space combat meet.

The Outer Rim: Survivor is an early access version giving you a taste of what is to come. Play the Survivor missions where you'll be constantly bombarded with enemies to attack, and be attacked by - How long you can last is the question as these missions never end. The Campaign mode (single player mission based game play) will be added as a DLC once completed.

A range of missions are available for you to try for free and give feedback while I further develop the game.

Take control of 5 different space ships with 9 different weapons flying in a full 3D universe. Missions include: protect your command ships, take out enemy command ships, and protect bomber runs. The missions take place in a mix of locations including space & planets.

Collect power ups by taking out enemies ships, giving you a range of items to help you last longer - extra missiles, new weapons, flares, nukes, multi-shot missiles and more.

Command your Wingmen (on certain missions) to help you last longer - they can attack the targets you specify, defend you when you're in trouble, just tell them what you want them to do. They've got your back!

시스템 요구 사항

    • 운영 체제 *: Windows 8.1
    • 프로세서: i5
    • 메모리: 4 GB RAM
    • 그래픽: Nvidia GTX 480 - AMD Radeon HD 5870
    • DirectX: 버전 11
    • 저장공간: 2 GB 사용 가능 공간
    • 운영 체제: Windows 10
    • 프로세서: i7
    • 메모리: 8 GB RAM
    • 그래픽: Nvidia GeForce GTX 760 - AMD Radeon R9 280
    • DirectX: 버전 11
    • 저장공간: 2 GB 사용 가능 공간
* 2024년 1월 1일부터 Steam 클라이언트는 Windows 10 이상 버전만 지원합니다.

The Outer Rim: Survivor에 대한 고객 평가

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