Design and simulate the starships of your dreams! Command your ship or fleet in epic battles and manage your crew while exploring a dangerous galaxy. Play alone or with friends, test your ships in online PvP, and let your imagination reach for the stars!
Останні рецензії:
виключно схвальні (128) - 96% з 128 рецензій за останні 30 дн. є позитивними.
Усі рецензії:
виключно схвальні (10,106) - 95% з 10,106 рецензій на цю гру є позитивними.
Дата виходу:
24 жовт. 2022

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Гра з дочасним доступом

Отримайте доступ і відразу почніть грати, беручи участь у процесі розробки.

Увага: ігри з дочасним доступом не завершені й надалі можуть як істотно змінюватися, так і ні. Якщо вам не дуже кортить грати в цю гру в її поточному стані, краще зачекайте, доки вона не набуде довершенішого вигляду. Докладніше

Що бажають сказати розробники:

Чому дочасний доступ?

«Since the very beginning of its development way back in 2011, Cosmoteer has been available for anyone to download and play. The feedback from these early players was incredibly valuable, and Cosmoteer would not be anywhere near as good without it. We see Steam Early Access as the natural continuation of this player-centric development philosophy, and we will continue to eagerly listen to feedback from the community and use it to make Cosmoteer one of the best games of all time. Please join the conversation on the or the Steam discussion boards!»

Як довго гра буде у дочасному доступі?

«Cosmoteer has been in active and continued development for many years, and it will remain in Early Access for as long as it takes to complete our Early Access Roadmap (see below). Rest assured, we always have and will continue to be dedicated to stability and keeping the game fun and playable at all times. You won't be getting an inferior product if we decide to push back the official launch to squeeze in more awesome features.»

Чим повна версія гри буде відрізнятися від версії для дочасного доступу?

«During early access, we are planning to add a ton of additional features and content! Please check out the Early Access Roadmap to learn more.»

Який поточний стан версії для дочасного доступу?

«"The current version of Cosmoteer is already extremely polished and stable. It will not feel ""janky"" like so many Early Access games, but you may find it a little light on content. Please see the ""About This Game"" section below for descriptions of the currently-implemented features.

Note that during Early Access, it is possible that rare updates may break existing saved games from prior versions, though we will try to avoid that whenever possible, and we will never break your saved ship designs."»

Чи буде відрізнятися ціна гри протягом дочасного доступу та після його завершення?

«The price may increase during Early Access as new features and content are added to Cosmoteer.»

Як ви плануєте залучати спільноту до розробки гри?

«Cosmoteer already has a strong community of thousands of players who for years have been providing feedback, sharing their ship designs, and making mods. We developers are on the Steam discussion board and regularly responding to questions, suggestions, and bug reports. There's also an in-game feedback tool that can be used to send feedback directly to us. We regularly post updates on the game's development and hold community events such as tournaments and design competitions. There is also an online Roadmap where you can see all the planned features.»
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Завантажити Cosmoteer Demo

Придбати Cosmoteer: Starship Architect & Commander

ОСОБЛИВА ПРОПОЗИЦІЯ! Діє до 13 березня

HK$ 125.00
HK$ 93.75

Придбати Space Builders КОМПЛЕКТ (?)

Містить товари (3 шт.): Cosmoteer: Starship Architect & Commander, Space Engineers, Dyson Sphere Program

HK$ 305.10
HK$ 276.97

Придбати Cosmoteer & Space Haven КОМПЛЕКТ (?)

Містить товари (2 шт.): Space Haven, Cosmoteer: Starship Architect & Commander

HK$ 211.49
HK$ 183.36

Придбати Cosmoteer & Nimbatus КОМПЛЕКТ (?)

Містить товари (2 шт.): Nimbatus - The Space Drone Constructor, Cosmoteer: Starship Architect & Commander

HK$ 225.00
HK$ 196.87
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“The shipbuilding is addictive.”

“I do strongly recommend Cosmoteer”

“It's honestly a fantastic game.”

План дій

Click READ MORE below to view the whole roadmap.

Про цю гру

A starship builder perfect for fans of games like FTL, Starsector, SPAZ, Space Engineers, Escape Velocity, Avorion, and more.

Design awesome starships using intuitive ship creation tools that are easy to learn but hard to master. Fully customize your ship's shape and floor plan, choosing where to place individual modules including weapons, engines, hallways, and crew's quarters. Your ship's design is key to its survival, and every decision you make will impact its performance in battle. Easily share your designs with others through the Steam Workshop, Forums, and Discord.

A ship's crew is its lifeblood. Numbering from half-a-dozen to a thousand or more individually-simulated people, your crew will pilot your ships, operate their weapons, and carry munitions. How efficiently they operate determines how well your ships will perform in combat. Your crew are autonomous but you can optionally customize their behavior with specific roles and job priorities.

Command your ship or fleet in real-time tactical battles. Combat is physics-driven, explosive, and immensely satisfying. Each module can be individually targeted and destroyed, and whole ships can even break apart into multiple pieces. Target an enemy's weapons to eliminate its offensive capability, destroy its shields to lower its defenses, or go for the kill by taking out its reactor.

Become the most famous "Cosmoteer'' in the universe by battling A.I. ships, taking on contracts for factions, earning loot, and upgrading your own ship while exploring a procedurally-generated galaxy, alone or in online co-op with friends. Then test your ships design and command skills online against other players in multiple PvP battle modes. Or let your imagination fly free in the Creative Mode where you can build whatever you want with unlimited resources.

Still want more? A powerful modding framework and Steam Workshop will keep Cosmoteer constantly feeling fresh with new player-created weapons, modules, and other enhancements.

Cosmoteer has a friendly and growing community on Discord. Join 20k+ fellow Cosmoteers today!

Системні вимоги

    • ОС: 32-bit or 64-bit Microsoft Windows 10, 11, or newer
    • Процесор: Dual-core Intel 2.0 GHz (or AMD equivalent)
    • Оперативна пам’ять: 4 GB ОП
    • Відеокарта: 1GB DirectX 10 Graphics Card or better
    • Місце на диску: 2 GB доступного місця
    • Звукова карта: DirectX compatible sound card
    • ОС: 32-bit or 64-bit Microsoft Windows 10, 11, or newer
    • Процесор: Quad-core Intel 2.5 GHz (or AMD equivalent) or better
    • Оперативна пам’ять: 8 GB ОП
    • Відеокарта: 2GB DirectX 11 Graphics Card or better
    • Місце на диску: 2 GB доступного місця
    • Звукова карта: DirectX compatible sound card

Користувацькі рецензії на Cosmoteer: Starship Architect & Commander

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