Explore galactic worlds and decide the future of deep space in Project Genesis, a fast-paced, multiplayer first-person shooter that features deep space combat in sci-fi battle craft. Fight as a conscious AI in sci-fi environments and navigate the complex forces competing for stellar domination.
모든 평가
복합적 (27) - 이 게임에 대한 사용자 평가 27개 중 62%가 긍정적입니다.
2020년 5월 22일

로그인하셔서 게임을 찜 목록에 추가하거나, 팔로우하거나 또는 제외하기로 표시하세요.

앞서 해보기 게임

지금 바로 플레이할 수 있습니다. 게임이 개발되는 과정에 참여하세요.

참고: 앞서 해보기 게임은 완성된 게임이 아니며 개발이 진행됨에 따라 크게 바뀔 수 있습니다. 게임의 현재 상태가 흥미롭지 않게 느껴진다면, 개발이 더 진행될 때까지 기다려 보세요. 앞서 해보기에 대해 자세히 알아보세요.

개발자의 한마디:

왜 앞서 해보기를 하나요?

“Early Access lets us provide exclusive DLC content to players who support Project Genesis during development by purchasing the game. It also provides us with invaluable feedback from players who love contributing to the creation of a game that fuses space combat with first person shooter mechanics.”

이 게임의 앞서 해보기 기간은 얼마인가요?

“We are currently targeting late Summer 2023 for general access.”

정식 버전은 앞서 해보기 버전과 어떻게 달라지나요?

“Project Genesis is slated for full release as FREE-TO-PLAY. However, Early Access players can support the development of Project Genesis through game purchase and receive exclusive DLC content unavailable to general access players.

Upon full release, Project Genesis is slated for release as free-to-play, with premium cosmetic items and additional lore themed game modes funding the live service.”

지금 앞서 해보기 버전은 어떤 상태인가요?

“The game’s core control features and combat are already in place and the current version is fully playable with PVP 3 game modes and 2 PVE modes to get used to the game mechanics. The game is stable and performant with online multiplayer battles tested regularly with up to 16 players.”

앞서 해보기 동안과 앞서 해보기 이후의 게임 가격이 다르게 매겨지나요?

“Project Genesis is slated for release FREE-TO-PLAY, with premium cosmetic items and additional lore themed game modes funding the live service. We use small progressions as a way to keep the game feeling purposeful, and legendary items meaningful, not as a way to segregate or monetize players through grind.”

개발 과정에 어떻게 커뮤니티를 참여시킬 계획이신가요?

“We already have a team devoted to managing our community partnerships, regularly reporting plans and status, organizing playtests and feedback sessions, and generally being model members themselves. We value the feedback that our community provides us and work to incorporate community insights and ideas into the development of Project Genesis. Additionally, we currently delegate profile and in-game badges for Ambassadors, Ace Pilots, Test Pilots, and Creators.”
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Project Genesis 구매

Founders Pack: Deluxe Edition 구매 꾸러미 (?)

3개 항목 포함: Project Genesis - Titanium Founders Pack, Project Genesis - Platinum Founders Pack, Project Genesis

HK$ 264.60
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“To be honest, it's too good to be a pre-alpha game.”
7/10 – LAWOD

게임 정보

Fly ships in third-person space combat & breach-and-board massive capital ships in FPS combat.

Influence development! Play and connect with us as we go. Contribute to a small, growing community that organizes daily playtest sessions with us to build the science fiction dream we all share. Watch us update according to your feedback on our way to full release.

Project Genesis is a sci-fi PVP shooter that fuses two types of gameplay:

1. Ship to ship combat
2. FPS close-quarter battles

All made possible via one key game mechanic: THE BREACH AND BOARD SEQUENCE

Designed with the FPS player in mind, space combat is played in third-person with free look targeting:

- Steer the ship and freely aim weapons at targets

The flight model is simple and designed without complicated flight controls. Weapons are easy to use, targeting and HUD are built to be intuitive and clear by borrowing from FPS industry standards.

The FPS mode uses standard WASD controls common in FPS combat games. The emphasis in Project Genesis is seamlessly merging two genres without having to adjust to new control configurations and viewing perspectives.

Across 3rd person space combat, and FPS modes, the controls use a common paradigm:

- HP: Hull or Health, the primary damage resource
- Energy (E): the consumable resource for shields, weapons, and abilities
- Two main weapons: a primary and a secondary
- Abilities, Utilities: passive and active

Spacecraft and avatar designs set up familiar relationships
- Tank
- Support

With multiple levers at play…
- Boost and sprint
- Shields
- Recharge and cell capacities
- Weapon loadouts
- Countermeasures
- Abilities and utilities
- Throw-able ordinance
…the rest is dominating with weaponized support craft in space.

시스템 요구 사항

    • 64비트 프로세서와 운영 체제가 필요합니다
    • 운영 체제 *: Windows 7 64-bit
    • 프로세서: Quad-core Intel or AMD processor, 2.5 GHz or faster
    • 메모리: 8 GB RAM
    • 그래픽: Nvidia GTX 660 or AMD Radeon HD 7870 equivalent DX11 GPU
    • 네트워크: 초고속 인터넷 연결
    • 저장공간: 15 GB 사용 가능 공간
    • 64비트 프로세서와 운영 체제가 필요합니다
* 2024년 1월 1일부터 Steam 클라이언트는 Windows 10 이상 버전만 지원합니다.

Project Genesis에 대한 고객 평가

평가 유형

구매 형식


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