You are an intelligent robot created by scientists for the best annual tournament "Project: R.E.B.O.O.T".
All Reviews:
Mixed (47) - 61% of the 47 user reviews for this game are positive.
Release Date:
26 Oct, 2016

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Buy Project: R.E.B.O.O.T

HK$ 7.00
HK$ 3.50

About This Game

You are an intelligent robot created by scientists for the best annual tournament "Project: R.E.B.O.O.T".
The best minds from all the planets are programming their robots each year, which must pass 30 challenging levels, equipped with deadly traps and various obstacles.
In the role of one of these robots and you have to play.
Your main task is to reach the end and prove to everyone that you are the best!
But soon you realize that your every misstep could be the last, because you are surrounded by the deadly traps, and any carelessness could cost you your life.

System Requirements

    • OS *: Windows 7
    • Memory: 512 MB RAM
    • DirectX: Version 9.0
    • Storage: 200 MB available space
* Starting January 1st, 2024, the Steam Client will only support Windows 10 and later versions.

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