"A Timely Intervention" is an innovative RPG featuring animated battle visuals, polished gameplay mechanisms, an intricate storyline and a cast of colourful characters. Developed by the team behind "The Tale of a Common Man", it's a must-have for fans of the genre!
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Comprar A Timely Intervention

HK$ 66.00
HK$ 6.60

Comprar Gemelle Bundle CONJUNTO (?)

Inclui 4 itens: Undefeated, The Tale of a Common Man, A Timely Intervention, Shadows and Lies

HK$ 213.00
HK$ 18.81

Sobre este jogo

"Those who control the present, control the past. And those who control the past control the future."


That's what they say, anyway, but maybe they are wrong. Who knows?
If you were able to go back in time and take the risk of changing everything you know, would you do it?

"A Timely Intervention" is an innovative role-playing game featuring spectacular battle visuals, polished gameplay mechanisms, an intricate storyline and a cast of colourful characters.

For the first part of the game, play as 2 separate parties, as the story goes back and forth between them. Each party has its own hopes and goals; when they meet can those be reconciled as they join forces? And how can they know what their choices will bring? Delve into a brand new world full of characters, secrets and possibilities.


Customize your game to suit your preferences

  • Choose between visible and invisible enemies
  • If you choose invisible enemies, vary the encounter rate from the menu
  • Choose your difficulty level: Easy, Normal, Hard, Legendary. Be warned - it's called Legendary for a reason
  • Choose enable/disable mouse as often as you like


  • 10 characters
  • Five characters in the active party to add strategic depth
  • Many skills level up with use - how strong they are depends on you
  • 8-direction movement with mouse or keyboard
  • 17 side quests
  • 30 secret rooms to discover
  • 30+ hours of addictive gameplay
  • Fresh-looking enemies, dynamic battles, beautiful environments and charming music
  • The "Common Man" team back for another epic of masterful storytelling

More Games by Gemelle Games

Requisitos de sistema

    • SO *: Windows XP/Windows Vista/Windows 7/8/10
    • Processador: 1.6 GHz
    • Memória: 128 MB de RAM
    • Placa de vídeo: DirectX 9.0 Compatible
    • DirectX: Versão 9.0
    • Armazenamento: 200 MB de espaço disponível
    • Placa de som: DirectX 9.0 Compatible Sound
* A partir do dia 1º de janeiro de 2024, o cliente Steam será compatível apenas com o Windows 10 ou posterior.

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