Blackwood Crossing is a story-driven first-person adventure game. An intriguing and emotive tale exploring the fragile relationship between orphaned siblings, Scarlett and Finn. When their paths cross with a mysterious figure, an ordinary train ride evolves into a magical story of life, love and loss.
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매우 긍정적 (359) - 이 게임에 대한 사용자 평가 359개 중 81%가 긍정적입니다.
2017년 4월 4일

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Blackwood Crossing 구매

HK$ 108.00
HK$ 54.00


“Unforgettable and emotionally wrenching. Its palette of feelings - love, loss, anger, belonging - are beyond the scope of all but the best narrative games.”
8.5 – Polygon

“You'll remember Blackwood Crossing as one of the most memorable gaming experiences in recent years.”
9 – IGN Italia

“Blackwood Crossing pushes the boundaries for narrative-driven indies.”

게임 정보

Blackwood Crossing is a story-driven first-person adventure game. A haunting tale of intrigue and mystery.
You play as Scarlett, a teenager finding her way in the world. You wake up, disorientated, to find yourself and your younger brother, Finn, inexplicably travelling on a moving train.

But when a mysterious figure appears, it’s clear that this is no ordinary train ride. It’s the beginning of a magical voyage, steeped in life, love and loss.
Navigating this powerful drama - where the world, and your abilities develop in extraordinary ways - you are forced to examine your relationship with Finn. You are orphans, and your relationship has always been strong. However, adolescence has opened the door to new interests, and you’ve been growing apart.
As you gradually uncover the depths of Finn’s anguish, the consequences of your remoteness become shockingly clear.

시스템 요구 사항

    • 운영 체제 *: Windows 7 or later
    • 프로세서: Core i3-550 2.5ghz
    • 메모리: 4 GB RAM
    • 그래픽: NVIDIA GeForce 460 or higher with 1GB of Memory
    • DirectX: 버전 11
    • 네트워크: 초고속 인터넷 연결
    • 저장공간: 5 GB 사용 가능 공간
* 2024년 1월 1일부터 Steam 클라이언트는 Windows 10 이상 버전만 지원합니다.

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