Innovative arcade shooter that takes various elements from many classic and less-known games, and puts them together in a hectic mix. All in retro visuals and synthetic sonorities that recall the revered Commodore 64's SID chip.
Toutes les éval. :
3 évaluations - Davantage d'évaluations sont nécessaires pour générer un score.
Date de parution :
12 juil. 2013
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“Beneath the 80’s veneer lurks a game with a staggering amount of complexity. [...] Focus on spinning the ship around and let the magic happen on its own.”
4/5 –

“It's a very unusual experience that quickly hooks you with its subtleties and intensity.”
N/A –

“Now, besides looking fantastic and playing a terrifyingly addictive game, Huenison comes for both Windows and Amiga OS (!) PCs, and I frankly cannot recommend it enough.”
N/A –


In 2018, Huenison received a gorgeous physical release:

If you are interested in this item, please send an email to [email protected].

À propos de ce jeu


And so you think you will succeed where everybody else has failed. I, Huenison, the Evil Master in charge of the conquest of your world, will see to it that you fail miserably.
Yes, conquest.
Why? Because.
Unfair? Who cares. But enough, I am not wasting further time here. Go away. Or, if you're really serious about it, come down into my deep Mind Control Wells and... die.


Huenison is an innovative arcade shooter that takes various elements from Arkanoid, BOH, Decathlon, Dyna Blaster, Impossible Mission, Oil's Well, Pac-Man, Pang, Qix, Slam Tilt, Space Invaders, Tetris and Vital Light, and puts them together in a hectic mix. All in retro visuals and synthetic sonorities that recall the revered Commodore 64's SID chip.

You shoot at falling bricks with a cannon at the bottom of a well (and no, you haven't ever seen anything like this before). Your beams hit bricks only when they are of the same color. Hitting a brick produces a specific effect depending on the type of the brick. Missing bricks will let them accumulate at the bottom of the well, raising the ground where the cannon rests - and, on top of that, bringing the deadly zapper down, closer to the cannon.

But this is just the beginning: each level plays differently, more and more brick types are introduced along the way, occasional disturbances will suddenly bring some more chaos and lots of bonuses will help catch a breath (and score more points)!
It's a unique experience that can't be described with words. Just dive into Huenison's Mind Control Wells, defeat him and save the world!


immediate and addictive gameplay · 25 levels · 9 game modes · huge variety of bricks and bonuses · C64-style music, speech and sounds · many cool graphic modes · exciting prog-SID soundtrack · online hiscores


Check out the online hiscores.
Check out the comprehensive manual.


Huenison is part of a saga that, as of writing, includes five different games.
BOH opens the story, with the Evil Masters bringing chaos to Earth. Huenison focuses on the fight against one of them, the eponymous character. Eventually the Evil Masters were repelled, but, as seen in QUOD INIT EXIT IIm, during their retreat, Huenison and his companions happened to pass by planet Suinio and decided to cause trouble there as well. In MAH, years later, the danger came from the Apocalypser, the weapon that had been developed against the Evil Masters and that the Purifiers activated to destroy the Earth. Finally, KOG assigns a new task to the hero who turned the Apocalypser off.

Configuration requise

    Minimale :
    • Système d'exploitation  *: Windows XP
    • Processeur : 500 MHz
    • Mémoire vive : 12 MB de mémoire
    • Graphiques : 32 bit
    • Espace disque : 32 MB d'espace disque disponible
    • Carte son : 16 bit
    • Notes supplémentaires : 32 bit binaries support
    Recommandée :
    • Processeur : 800 MHz
    • Notes supplémentaires : internet connection
* À compter du 1ᵉʳ janvier 2024, le client Steam sera compatible uniquement avec Windows 10 et ses versions plus récentes.

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