(This version is a trial version, with only a few game levels available for experience) This is an action puzzle game,a rabbit that can throw bombs, by destroying objects, triggering mechanisms, or using bombs to blow itself up to fly higher, tries to solve puzzles in the game.
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2 reseñas de usuarios - Se necesitan más reseñas de usuarios para generar una puntuación
Fecha de lanzamiento:
24 DIC 2024

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Demo gratuita

Jugar a 光凸兔 Demo

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Acerca de esta demo

This version is a trial version, with only a few game levels available for experience.

a charming and minimalist pixel-art action-puzzle game where the adorable bunny undergoes comprehensive challenges. With bombs and clever moves, Barrenny must tackle different tests and simply find a way out of the mysterious room!

In the game, players need to solve the puzzles presented in each level, strategically using the bombs in their possession to trigger mechanisms, destroy objects, eliminate monsters, and reach their destination. The difficulty of the puzzles will gradually increase as you progress through the levels. Completing all the blue levels will unlock the next set of challenges, while the purple levels will be even more challenging and come without any game hints. Players can attempt to overcome these difficult puzzles, but it's not a requirement.

Equipped with multiple operating habits:

Move:AD \ ←→

Jump:W \ ↑ \ Space

Bomb:Shift \ Mouse-left \ Z 

Note: The current version is a beta version and does not represent the final game quality. The full version will have more interesting levels, including puzzles designed for magnetic factors, wind factors, bounce factors, gravity factors, gravity factors, etc

Requisitos del sistema

    • SO *: Windows 7+
    • Procesador: 2 Ghz
    • Memoria: 4 GB de RAM
    • Gráficos: 128MB, OpenGL 3+
    • Red: Conexión de banda ancha a Internet
    • Almacenamiento: 200 MB de espacio disponible
* A partir del 1 de enero de 2024, el cliente de Steam solo será compatible con Windows 10 y versiones posteriores.

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Jugado principalmente en Steam Deck
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