V-Shift is a high-intensity, fast-paced, battle platformer where mastering your movement is key to victory. Choose your champion and become the ultimate gladiator in a galaxy-wide alien arena. Master the V-Shift: velocity is damage; stillness is death.
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4. jan. 2025

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Spil V-Shift

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Om dette spil

V-Shift is a high-intensity, fast paced battle platformer where mastering your movement is key to victory. Choose your champion, battle against other players and become the ultimate gladiator in a galaxy-wide alien arena. Master the V-Shift: velocity is damage; stillness is death.

Game Mechanics

V-Shift: Through constant movement, players are charging their V-Shift, an ability to redirect their momentum into any given direction. This mechanic allows players to make quick movements, inflict massive damage on their enemies, or even increase their hit range.

Character Selection: A roster of 4 unique and diverse characters to choose from, each with their own unique abilities and playstyle.

  • The Chronomancer: A broken time traveler set on stopping the Herald... corrupted by the world's end... suffers constant pain and decay...

  • The Herald: A fallen knight... resurrected by the eldritch beast Uhn' Gauzar... now a husk of armor housing a deadly amalgam...

  • The Fool: Marinates in bloody fun and chaos... absolutely no cares in the world... hahahaahaa...

  • The Liars: A terrifyingly brutal and experienced brawler... part of an alien race characterized by multiple faces... craves domination over others by any means...

Movement: Players run and jump to interact with level objects that affect their movement, such as using portals, jump pads, or rails. As a player builds up momentum through movement, they are “charging” up their V-Shift action. 

  • Portals - Transport players from one part of the level to another instantly. 

  • Jump Pads - Boosts the player in the direction of the jump pad.

  • Rails -  Automate movement and momentum building for a player across a specific path. 

  • Speed boosts - Sudden increase in speed

Attacking: Players use melee attacks to both damage and knock back enemies on hit. With a set range, the power of the attack is connected to how fast the player is currently going. Therefore players are encouraged to build their speed and then attack for maximum damage. 

Special Abilities: Generally offensive in nature (with one exception), they provide an alternate way to deal damage and introduce variety and complexity to battles.

  • REWIND (The Chronomancer): Retrace your steps and rewind back into a previous state in time, maintaining agency and physical presence in the process.

  • JOUST (The Herald): Become a powerful lance, allowing for repeated piercing thrusts into enemies if successfully landed.

  • ABYSS (The Fool): Toss an unassuming object that ruptures space and creates a deadly interdimensional rift, causing all caught in its reach to become no more.

  • GRAB (The Liars): Grab and throw nearby opponents, causing massive crash damage if they collide with terrain at high speeds.

Utility Abilities: Geared towards giving you an advantage over your opponent but generally don't do any damage themselves.

  • SLOW FIELD (The Chronomancer): Bends nearby spacetime, slowing all who enter the field.

  • SHIELD (The Herald): Summons a spirit shield nearby, providing more opportunities for cornering enemies and traversing areas.

  • GOO BALL (The Fool): Sends forth a slow-moving glob of goo that stuns and pops enemies upward, exploding into a rain of sticky goo.

  • SCREAM (The Liars): Cry a deathly metallic tone, inflicting a paralytic fear in all who bear witness.


Battle: Host or join public or private online matches in lobbies of up to 4 players.

Training: Battle offline against bots. Bot difficulty can be set to easy, medium, hard, or dummy (if you want to just practice your combos).

Mode Rules: These are the rules of battle, available in both Battle and Training.

  • GLADIATOR RUSH: Deal as much damage in a given time period. Kills grant you BONUS points. (This mode encourages players to be involved and active in battle. Going on the offensive to accumulate points or maintaining distance to keep the lead are both valid strategies.)


1. The Pit

2. The Tower

3. The Ship

4. The Compactor


Email @[email protected] if you encounter any technical issues with the game!

Beskrivelse af voksenindhold

Udviklerne beskriver indholdet således:

Dette spil har muligvis indhold, som ikke er egnet til alle aldre, eller er upassende at se på arbejdspladser: Hyppig vold eller splatter, Diverse indhold med voksent tema


    • Styresystem: Windows 10 or newer
    • Processor: 2 Ghz
    • Hukommelse: 2 GB RAM
    • Grafik: Integrated graphics with full Vulkan 1.0 support
    • DirectX: Version 10
    • Netværk: Bredbåndsinternetforbindelse
    • Diskplads: 220 MB tilgængelig plads
    • Styresystem: OS 10.10 or later
    • Processor: 2Gz
    • Netværk: Bredbåndsinternetforbindelse
* Fra den 15. februar 2024 ophører understøttelsen af 32-bit spil og macOS 10.14 og tidligere i Steam-klienten.

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