Basic Pngtuber app with a ton of interactivity features from twitch
Reseñas generales:
Positivas (11) - El 100 % de las 11 reseñas de los usuarios sobre este software son positivas.
Fecha de lanzamiento:
11 ENE 2025

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Free to Play

Acerca de este software is a PngTuber app that focusses on interactivity, whilst also relying on two different images to get started.

It currently supports windows only, but linux/macos support is on the roadmap as well, currently looking for testers.

This App is open source on Github:

The base software will remain free of charge, although there are some future features (like collab with friends) planned that will require cost on our site and the usage of those might not be free.

Current features:

  • simple setup: get two different pngs and you are good to go

  • Twitch integration: trigger different effects with bits and redeems

  • Hotkeys: use hotkeys to trigger effects or change between different states of your png

  • Idle animations: change how much your character will move, jump, squish on talking

  • Spout2 support: stream directly into obs using spout2

  • performance modes: should run just fine on lower specced machines by using a lower performance spec

  • TTSPet: you can activate the TTSPet mode and give your PNG some life by using the OpenAI integration

  • Throwing System: similar to the T.I.T.S plugin for vtube studio, you can set this up so bits will be thrown at your avatar on bit donations

  • Stick on PNGs: stick on pngs to your png for pngception

  • Transition layers: show a half frame between two different avatar states, useful for movement

Requisitos del sistema

    • Requiere un procesador y un sistema operativo de 64 bits
    • SO: Win10
    • Procesador: Anything newer than 10 year old
    • Memoria: 300 MB de RAM
    • Almacenamiento: 250 MB de espacio disponible
    • Requiere un procesador y un sistema operativo de 64 bits

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