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Caught in the middle of a violent conflict on the fringe of the galaxy — your ability to survive will depend on your piloting skills and combat savvy as a mercenary space fighter. But, as you explore the vastly detailed world of Tachyon: The Fringe, you will often find that the most powerful weapon on your ship is in your head.
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Tachyon: The Fringe kopen


Over dit spel

Caught in the middle of a violent conflict on the fringe of the galaxy — your ability to survive will depend on your piloting skills and combat savvy as a mercenary space fighter. But, as you explore the vastly detailed world of Tachyon: The Fringe, you will often find that the most powerful weapon on your ship is in your head.
  • Single Player Features — Decide where you want to go and what missions you will fly as you explore the vast and richly inhabited universe.
  • Fight in furious space combat battles around the most massive ships and stations ever created in a space game.
  • Explore a multi-sided in-game story line and make crucial decisions that will change your future.
  • Featuring intense team tactics and BASE WARS. Talk to other star pilots and coordinate attacks with Voice-Over-Net.
  • CHOOSE SIDES — Battle across multiple sectors as you fight to destroy opponent's base.
  • Featuring Bruce Cambell as the voice of Jake Logan

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    • OS *: Windows 2000, XP & Vista
    • Processor: Pentium II 450MHz or better
    • Memory: 128MB minimum
    • Graphics: Direct3D w/ 16MB or better
    • DirectX®: DirectX version 6.0 or higher (included)
    • Hard Drive: 500MB Free
    • Sound: DirectX compliant
* Vanaf 1 januari 2024 ondersteunt de Steam-client alleen Windows 10 en latere versies.

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