Spell Spiral is a fast-paced action shooter game where you fight while managing spells, decks, mana, etc. just like in a card game.
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Tietoa pelistä

Spell Spiral is a fast-paced action shooting game where players battle using spells, decks, mana, etc., just like in a card game.
Basic boss battles only.
Conquer powerful enemies through repeated trial and error.

Player controls like a card game

The most distinctive feature of this game is the player's control method.

There are no normal attacks, and you use the spell that is set at that time with the ABXY button.
There are various types of spells, including simple shooting, homing bullets, self-strengthening, and healing.

Also, using spells consumes mana. Of course, the more powerful the spell, the more mana it will consume.

The total number of decks is 20, and if the deck runs out of spells during battle, the powerful spell "Highlander Spell" can be used, and then a new deck will be replenished and shuffled.

Beautiful and brutal barrage of bullets

Each enemy launches a barrage of bullets that is incredibly intense.

Customize your deck to your liking

Before battle, you can edit the contents of the deck you will use.
  • Make a deck with a concept in mind, such as more shooting or more lasers.
  • Include many effective spells to match the enemy.
  • Include many healing spells because you are not confident in avoiding attacks.
Customize your deck with various ideas in mind.


    • Käyttöjärjestelmä: Windows10,11
    • Suoritin: Intel Core i3 / AMD Phenom II X4
    • Muisti: 4 GB RAM
    • Grafiikka: GTX1060
    • Tallennus: 1 GB kiintolevytilaa

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