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"You Are Grounded" is a short psychological horror-slasher game from a first-person perspective. A terrifying killer clown terrorizes a teenager and his family on Halloween Eve.
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16. okt. 2024
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Køb You Are Grounded

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HK$ 33.00
HK$ 19.80

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HK$ 184.00
HK$ 92.52

Køb Horror Game Bundle BUNDT (?)

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HK$ 490.50
HK$ 427.64

Om dette spil

A terrifying killer clown terrorizes a teenager and his family on Halloween Eve.

A short but very action-packed horror game awaits you.

You play as a stubborn teenager. Your parents punished you and locked you in your room. They called a nanny to keep an eye on you.

It's night outside, Halloween is in full swing, and on TV there is a report about a maniac in a clown costume who escaped from prison...

Hi all! My name is Romooll and I am 14 years old. This is my first experience in developing a game and I really hope you like it. When creating the game, I collected all my teenage experiences and fears, added a little of myself to the main character and tried to create a truly creepy atmosphere for the game on Halloween.

Immerse yourself in this dark story and try to survive the terrible night with the main character. Experience all the horror that a person can experience in such a situation and try not to scream in fear.

In the game you will have to find and use different things and carefully follow the plot clues. Listen to what the characters say and move forward in the story./u]


- Realistic graphics

- Excellent sound design

- Well-developed horror atmosphere

- Possibility to make a pumpkin for Halloween

The approximate time to complete the game is 50 minutes.


Beskrivelse af voksenindhold

Udviklerne beskriver indholdet således:

The game contains images of violent scenes that may have a negative impact on the psyche. Some content may not be suitable for certain age groups. A reasonable limit on the game's audience is recommended.


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