THYSIASTERY is a dungeon crawler RPG featuring traditional roguelike and turn-based gameplay. Command a party of bearers of the Brand, drawn into a vast Labyrinth. Recruit while exploring the Labyrinth in hope of finding a way out, and its secrets will be revealed as you delve deeper.
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Çıkış Tarihi:
2025 2. Çeyrek

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Planlanan Çıkış Tarihi: 2025 2. Çeyrek

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Bu Oyun Hakkında

THYSIASTERY is a turn-based, dungeon crawling roguelike role-playing game rendered in a retro-inspired art style.

Play as a group of bearers of the Brand that have been drawn into the vast and enigmatic Labyrinth. Save, ally with, rely on and learn from characters you encounter whilst exploring in hopes of finding a way out. Discover buried forests, underwater cities and other ancient secrets as you delve deeper into the Labyrinth.

The Brand has called you in.
The Labyrinth hungers once more.
Or is it all just a sign of madness?


  • Turn-based combat in which your choices allow you to capitalize on chance and weakness - or be similarly exploited.
  • Classic roguelike features such as permadeath, procedurally generated areas and randomly generated characters that provide a highly replayable game.
  • A great number of skills for characters to learn and discover, then teach further to other characters.
  • Explore different environments, investigate mysterious objects and artifacts, and meet some of the friendly natives of the Labyrinth.
  • A number of difficulty modifiers to amp up or down the difficulty.
  • Beautiful retro-inspired art style drawn in limited color palettes.

Yetişkin İçerik Açıklaması

Geliştiriciler içeriği şu şekilde tarif ediyorlar:

Bu oyunda her yaşa uygun olmayan veya iş yerinde görüntülenmesi sakıncalı olabilecek içerikler yer alabilir: Genel Yetişkin İçerik

Sistem Gereksinimleri

SteamOS + Linux
    • 64-bit işlemci ve işletim sistemi gerektirir
    • İşletim Sistemi: Windows 10
    • İşlemci: Intel Core i3 1.3 GHz
    • Bellek: 4 GB RAM
    • Ekran Kartı: 2GB Intregraded graphics
    • Depolama: 1 GB kullanılabilir alan
    • Ses Kartı: Windows Audio
    • 64-bit işlemci ve işletim sistemi gerektirir
    • İşlemci: 64 bit
    • Bellek: 4 GB RAM
    • Depolama: 1 GB kullanılabilir alan
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