"REM: The Dreamer" is a single-player action-shooter game set in the depths of dreams. Are you ready for Harvey's war against the gods, or are you too weak for it?
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2024년 11월 22일

로그인하셔서 게임을 찜 목록에 추가하거나, 팔로우하거나 또는 제외하기로 표시하세요.

앞서 해보기 게임

지금 바로 플레이할 수 있습니다. 게임이 개발되는 과정에 참여하세요.

참고: 앞서 해보기 게임은 완성된 게임이 아니며 개발이 진행됨에 따라 크게 바뀔 수 있습니다. 게임의 현재 상태가 흥미롭지 않게 느껴진다면, 개발이 더 진행될 때까지 기다려 보세요. 앞서 해보기에 대해 자세히 알아보세요.

개발자의 한마디:

왜 앞서 해보기를 하나요?

“At this stage, we need to spend more time on animation and core mechanics. Also, the size of our QA (quality control) team is not enough, so we aim to improve our game with feedback from our players. Early Access provides an opportunity to optimize our game with input from our community”

이 게임의 앞서 해보기 기간은 얼마인가요?

“We aim to keep the Early Access period as short as possible. Our current plan is to bring our game to full release in maximum 3 months.”

정식 버전은 앞서 해보기 버전과 어떻게 달라지나요?

“In the full version, we want to make our game more user-friendly, improve animations and mechanics, as well as convey the game's lore to players in the best way possible. We also plan to shape the game and add new content based on suggestions from our players.”

지금 앞서 해보기 버전은 어떤 상태인가요?

“Currently, the game features 5 different dreams, 7 boss battles and an open-ended ending. There are also 6 different mechanics and many unique enemy builds. We're delivering a core experience that players can enjoy.”

앞서 해보기 동안과 앞서 해보기 이후의 게임 가격이 다르게 매겨지나요?

“We plan to keep the price stable during Early Access. But when the main version is released, we are considering a small price increase.”

개발 과정에 어떻게 커뮤니티를 참여시킬 계획이신가요?

“We will use our mail and Discord channels to actively involve our community in the development process. We plan to respond to feedback from our players within 48 hours and guide our development process by taking their suggestions into account.”
더 읽어보기

REM: The Dreamer Demo 다운로드

REM: The Dreamer 구매

출시 기념 할인! 종료일: 2024년 12월 6일

HK$ 66.00
HK$ 52.80
모든 토론 보기

버그를 신고하고 게임 토론에 피드백을 남기세요.

게임 정보


Harvey, an ordinary man, is preparing to challenge gods for the sake of his family, and he seeks your companionship on this journey.

Are you confident you can guide him through these mysterious dream realms? Facing gods like Morpheus and Phobetor, who can manipulate your dreams and nightmares—do you think it’s wise? But what if Harvey isn’t just an ordinary man? In his war against the gods, his only weapon is his dreams—and you.


Dive into unique dreams, each with its own story and style. Immerse yourself in the environment and feel like a true part of the dream.


Are you ready for unforgettable boss battles? Feel the thrill and intensity of each unique encounter.


Learn new skills in dreams and use them to overcome enemies and powerful bosses.

시스템 요구 사항

    • 운영 체제: Windows 10 64-bit
    • 프로세서: Intel Core i5 2500K or AMD FX 8100
    • 메모리: 16 GB RAM
    • 그래픽: Nvidia GTX 1660ti / AMD RX 570
    • DirectX: 버전 11
    • 저장공간: 5 GB 사용 가능 공간
    • 운영 체제: Windows 10 64-bit
    • 프로세서: Intel Core i5 4670K or AMD R5 3600
    • 메모리: 16 GB RAM
    • 그래픽: NVidia GeForce RTX 3050
    • DirectX: 버전 12
    • 저장공간: 5 GB 사용 가능 공간

REM: The Dreamer에 대한 고객 평가

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구매 형식


날짜 범위
특정 날짜 범위에 속하는 평가를 보려면, 위의 그래프에서 선택 항목을 클릭한 후 드래그하거나 원하는 바를 클릭하세요.

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