In this cinematic virtual reality, magical stories are told by 2 young Mazatec, indigenous sisters, Jocelynne and Jaquelyne, who recall the ancestral knowledge and mystical cosmogony that their shaman grandmother used to share with them, in the misty mountains of Oaxaca, Mexico.
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Рецензій: 3 - Для формування оцінки потрібно більше рецензій
Дата виходу:
1 листоп. 2024

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Придбати Floating With Spirits


Про цю гру

In this cinematic virtual reality, magical stories are told by 2 young Mazatec, indigenous sisters, Jocelynne and Jaquelyne, who recall the ancestral knowledge and mystical cosmogony that their shaman grandmother used to share with them, in the misty mountains of Oaxaca, Mexico.

Their village lies amidst giant Ceiba trees and rivers full of life. Nature breathes and within, preserves the memories of this community. The landscape that surrounds them is full of knowledge.

As the sisters wander through the nature that surrounds them and while preparing for the Day of the Dead, they share the stories of their ancestors. During these special days, the spirits of their loved ones descend into the world of the living, guided by the light of the candles and the glow of the Cempasuchil flowers on the altars, following the sweet smell of their favorite meals, to share a beautiful moment with the living.

The girls’ imagination transports us into the world of the spirits of their ancestors and the spirits of nature. A shamanic dance ritual opens a portal through which we can discover the secret worlds of 4 spirits of nature. Each spirit has its own secret that it will share with us to enable us to make a new connection with the ancestral Mazatec knowledge. Their vision of the world is beautiful, deep and urgent to be shared in a moment where our society needs to rewire its ways of viewing and interacting with nature.

Behind each mountain, there is a sea of knowledge.

Системні вимоги

    • Потребує 64-бітних процесора та операційної системи
    • ОС: 10
    • Процесор: Intel Core i7 or i9
    • Оперативна пам’ять: 64 GB ОП
    • Відеокарта: GeForce RTX 3080 or higher
    • DirectX: версії 10
    • Місце на диску: 2 GB доступного місця
    • Підтримка ВР: SteamVR
    • Потребує 64-бітних процесора та операційної системи

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