An interactive-fiction RPG made in a gritty style inspired by classic heroic adventure stories, blending illustration and narrative-driven questing with the modern mechanics you've come to expect from an RPG. Experience an epic saga in a vast open world where choices matter.
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Дата на издаване:

Впишете се, за да добавите този артикул към списъка си с желания, да го последвате или да го отбележите като игнориран

Тази игра все още не е достъпна в Steam

Планирана дата за издаване: Неоповестено

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Добавете я към своя списък с желания и бъдете известени, когато стане достъпна.
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Относно тази игра

Packed full of the engaging RPG mechanics you've come to enjoy in modern games, delivered in a new way.  Recruit followers, loot your enemies, manage inventory, customize your housing, tame and breed pets and mounts, map-based travel, gambling, and much more.

Prepare to be dropped into a vast, living world inspired by the classic fantasy adventure stories you've always loved.  A world filled with hard choices and serious stakes, where scenes of glory and destruction are described in a gritty visceral style that holds nothing back.
Roam the lands looking for adventure like your favorite barbarian, fight your way to glory in the arena, or lead a company of soldiers into battle. Make investments and political maneuvers. Explore a sprawling continent filled with distinct nations and cultures.
Player control extends beyond surface-level choices about what to do.  Outcomes are also determined by the strategies you employ, and combat is not merely a consequence of choice, but an interactive experience you participate in.Every choice matters.  They effect both your immediate results and the world itself, where a catalogue of statistics work behind the scene to define future events, relationships, and opportunities.

Encounters and events are both random and conditional, to produce a unique story for every player, every single time. 

Описание на съдържание за възрастни

Разработчиците описват съдържанието така:

Adult themes and depictions.

Системни изисквания

SteamOS + Linux
    • Памет: 2 GB памет
    • Пространство за съхранение: 5 GB достъпно пространство
    • Памет: 4 GB памет
    • Пространство за съхранение: 5 GB достъпно пространство
    • ОС: TBD
    • ОС: TBD
* Считано от 15 февруари 2024 Steam клиентът вече няма да поддържа 32-битови игри, както и macOS 10.14 или по-стари версии.
    • ОС: TBD
    • ОС: TBD
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