Arashi Gaiden is a turn-based action game, with frantic combat, in the dash-and-slash style. Arashi is a Ninja from the Pocket Bravery universe, he was hired by his former master, Lobo, receiving the mission of defeating Ninjas and Matilha soldiers to recover 3 powerful relics from Japan.
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In Arashi Gaiden, you must defeat ALL enemies, turn by turn.

Arashi Gaiden is a turn-based action game, with frantic combat, in the dash and slash style, in which a ninja is hired by his former master, receiving the mission of recovering 3 powerful eastern relics, that the Matilha stole. This criminal organization joined a clan of Ninjas and is dominating the world of crime in Japan. This game is part of the same universe as Pocket Bravery, and expands the story of an important part of the game's Japanese core.

You take on the role of Shinji Arashi, a ninja facing the problems of the past while facing some new enemies (and old acquaintances).

Key Features:
- 5+ hours of fun in turn-based combat, with varied challenges, containing multiple solutions.
- Make quick combos or plan combat calmly, the choice is yours.
- A new level for an innovative combat system, Dash and Slash, enjoy turn-based combat with fast moves.
- Fully handmade pixel art, with themed scenes from different locations in Japan.
-Discover Arashi's story and his involvement with Lobo.

- Receive Power-Ups as you progress through the game, but manage them well during the match.

Enjoy a stylish turn-based action game with puzzle features (or vice versa).

Aikuissisällön kuvaus

Kehittäjät ovat kuvailleet sisältöä seuraavasti:

Tämä peli saattaa sisältää materiaalia, joka ei sovi kaikenikäisille eikä töissä katsottavaksi: Paljon väkivaltaa tai verta, Aikuisille suunnattua sisältöä


    • Käyttöjärjestelmä: Windows 10
    • Suoritin: Intel Core i3 M380
    • Muisti: 4 MB RAM
    • Grafiikka: Intel HD 4000
    • Tallennus: 600 MB kiintolevytilaa
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