"The Stalked 2" is a standalone horror sequel to "The Stalked", where you play as Rachel, an avid hiker. What begins as a relaxing hike to a cabin turns into a nightmare filled with eerie interactions and unsettling events. Will you survive?
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About This Game

"The Stalked 2" is a standalone horror sequel to "The Stalked" that immerses players in Rachel's terrifying journey. With an average completion time of 50 minutes, players will follow Rachel's fate as she navigates through a disturbing hiking trip.


You play as 26-year-old Rachel, an avid hiker always in search of new adventures. This time, a new advertisement for a cabin catches your eye. What begins as a relaxing hike to a cozy overnight stay quickly turns into a nightmare. From eerie interactions with strange characters to mysterious and unsettling events, you must navigate the horrors that await. Will you survive to tell Rachel's story?

Key Features

Fear-Inducing Atmosphere.
  • Step into a fear-inducing atmosphere where you'll find yourself constantly checking your surroundings, knowing danger could lurk anywhere.

Experience a Relentless Pursuit.
  • What starts as casual interactions soon reveals something more sinister with each encounter.

Interact With NPCs.
  • Connect with the game's world through engaging in one-on-one conversations with NPCs.

Multiple Creepy Environments To Explore.
  • Embark on a journey through chilling environments, from an apartment to a creepy forest and an unsettling cabin.

Warning: This game contains intense and disturbing content, including scenes of stalking and psychological horror. Player discretion is advised. Not suitable for individuals sensitive to themes of fear, anxiety, or graphic imagery. Viewer discretion is strongly advised.

System Requirements

    • OS: Windows 10
    • Processor: Intel Core i5-6500
    • Memory: 8 GB RAM
    • Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650
    • Storage: 7 GB available space
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