"Myths and Legends" is our next-gen semi-idle, trading real time strategy, that takes the player 2500 years back in time, but with a sense of humor. The game combines elements of exploration, combat, trade and diplomacy on procedurally generated islands.
Toate recenziile:
Pozitive (13) - 100% din cele 13 recenzii ale utilizatorilor pentru acest joc sunt pozitive.
Data lansării:
17 dec. 2024

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Cumpără Myths and Legends

OFERTĂ DE LANSARE! Se încheie la 31 decembrie

HK$ 113.00
HK$ 71.19

Despre acest joc

"Myths and Legends" is our next-gen semi-idle, trading real time strategy, that takes the player 2500 years back in time, but with a sense of humor.

The game combines elements of exploration, combat, trade and diplomacy.

The world in which our story takes place is the period before 500 BCE.

The locations in which the game takes place are procedurally generated so that each game is different.

The basic version of the game includes 3 ancient Greek factions.

Each faction has unique units and statistics for many units and its own huge beasts that can be bred.

The game is the next big step in the development of our engine. The lighting in the game changes as the day and night progress. Trade ships and new arrivals arrive on the player's island, and units can be sent to raid enemy lands.

The player will not only have the opportunity to discover and manage islands, but also conduct diplomacy, trade and war with the outside world and factions.

The islands themselves and their biomes will also be diverse.

Other factions such as the Persians, Thracians, Phoenicians. Altants ( why not to add something more ancient than 500 BCE - it's just a game ) and several others will be available to players as separate DLCs.

Informații despre conținutul generat de IA

Dezvoltatorii descriu astfel conținutul generat de IA pentru jocul lor:

The game contains a small percentage of content created with generative AI, such as introductory narratives, some character illustrations, and a few icons. However, we have made sure that each of these things receives the appropriate human touch to achieve the best possible quality.

Over 97% of the game content was created by humans.

Cerințe de sistem

    • Necesită un procesor și sistem de operare pe 64 de biți
    • SO: Windows 10/11
    • Procesor: 4xCore 2.4 GHz
    • Memorie: 16 GB RAM
    • Grafică: GTX 1650 4GB
    • DirectX: Versiune 11
    • Stocare: 7 GB spațiu disponibil
    • Necesită un procesor și sistem de operare pe 64 de biți
    • SO: Windows 10/11
    • Procesor: 4xCore 3 GHz
    • Memorie: 16 GB RAM
    • Grafică: GTX 1660 6GB
    • DirectX: Versiune 11
    • Stocare: 7 GB spațiu disponibil

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