Body Pay is a game that combines puzzles, story, and adult animation.
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Hovedsageligt positive (132) - 76% af de 132 brugeranmeldelser for dette spil er positive.
19. apr. 2024

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Beskrivelse af voksenindhold

Udviklerne beskriver indholdet således:

This game contains content that may not be suitable for all ages or for viewing at work or in public.

Specifically, prostitution, revealing clothing, nudity, sexual acts, and group sex are all depicted graphically.

These elements are essential to the in-game storyline and character development and contribute to the overall narrative experience.

All characters appearing in the game are over 18 years of age and the story is fictitious.

Om dette spil

In 2067, the ongoing low birth rate problem and household debt become a big problem around the world.
To solve this problem, the leaders of each country come up with new ideas.
It's called the Body Pay system.
This story is about a young Japanese person who is conducting a test bed prior to the application of the Body Pay system.

Body Pay is a casual puzzle game where you pay for products brought by supermarket customers by pressing the appropriate control keys.
As you move up the stage, overcome the increasing number of products and customer interruptions to achieve the target score and continue your secret story with the girls.

Full voices and sexy images and animations of four female characters with each charm are available.

Body Pay has a total of 4 attractive characters.

Meddelelse om AI-genereret indhold

Udviklerne beskriver spillets brug af AI-genereret indhold sådan her:

The AI images were retouched and used only in the background of conversation scenes between characters and the background of puzzle games. Other images were created directly.


    • Kræver en 64-bit processor og operativsystem
    • Styresystem *: Window7 SP1/WIN8/WIN10/XP
    • Processor: 1.2 GHz
    • Hukommelse: 4 GB RAM
    • Kræver en 64-bit processor og operativsystem
* Fra den 1. januar 2024 understøttes Steam-klienten kun på Windows 10 og senere udgaver.

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