Mr. Trumpet is still here! You, the eternal burger force, chosen by something even more eternal, help our heroes, the future human race, round and proud(!), to stop his newest shenanigans & con-artistery through our galaxy. Play with friends :) Play with up to 4 controllers & mouse at the same time
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Pek Yakında Erkem Erişim'de

Bu oyunun geliştiricileri oyunu, oyuncuların geri bildirimleriyle birlikte geliştirecek şekilde tamamlanmadan çıkarmayı planlıyor.

Not: Erken Erişim aşamasında olan oyunlar geliştirme boyunca önemli ölçüde değişebilir ya da değişmeyebilir. Eğer oyunu bu aşamada oynamak için çok hevesli değilseniz oyunun geliştirilme sürecinde ilerlemesini beklemek isteyebilirsiniz. Daha fazla bilgi edinin.

Geliştirici ürün hakkında ne diyor:

Neden Erken Erişim?

"We want to release the game as early as possible, b/c of the current happenings in the real world.
Also we can gather feedback and improve the game for future generations of our planet."

Bu oyun ne kadar süre için Erken Erişim'de olacak?

"We plan to release the full game in approximately a year"

Erken Erişim versiyonunun tam versiyonundan ne kadar farklı olması planlanıyor?

"During early access we plan to add one world after another until we have the minimal set of worlds described in the 'About this game' section.

We also plan to add special features that will be added in the end:
- level editor & sharing of levels"

Erken Erişim sürümünün şu anki durumu nedir?

"One world, the burger factory world, is already partially playable containing multiple fun levels.
Every world tells the player a little story to be entertained and confused by ;)

Also playing together already works: You can play with the mouse & up to 4 controllers"

Erken Erişim sırasında ve sonrasında oyunun fiyatı değişecek mi?

"We plan to gradually raise the price as we ship new worlds with new content and mechanics.

With every world & other enhancement of the game that we will add along the way, the price will increase a bit."

Topluluğu, geliştirme sürecine nasıl dahil etmeyi düşünüyorsunuz?

"Partely content suggestions based on happenings of the real world.
Suggestions can be made on the Steam forums or on our social media outlets."
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Bu Oyun Hakkında

Story - Help humanity to save the galaxy :)

Mr. Trumpet is still here! You, the eternal burger force, chosen by something even more eternal, help our heroes, the future human race, round and proud ( !! ), to stop his newest shenanigans & con-artistery through our galaxy.

The Worlds

  • Burger Factory - The source of all evil ? No.. the source of all goodness ? Whatever it is - maybe both - it is a powerful world

  • Planet Vegistacle - Find yourself on a planet inhabitat by a new species of friendly humans. They are green and love the plants, only the plants

  • Planet Narcissus - On this rhythm-based adventure you get to know more about Mr. Trumpet's narcissism and how it is influenced by his entourage,.. the ominous 'trumplets'

  • Planet Good-And-Bad - In a complex universe, it's not always clear what is good and bad.. especially when it's about consequences.. intended or not

  • Inside Job - Dive into the depths of .. Mr. Trumpet himself. Find out what makes him tick.. literally.

  • Laboratory Planet - In a self-fulfilling turn, one of the future planets was turned into a tremendous laboratory, in which people can hand themselves in to things they did not think through


The gameplay is rather easy:

- In each world you can influence the world in different ways e.g. spawn burgers or apples to control the wonderful humans of the future

- In each world you have different goals to achieve e.g. Clean Mr. Trumpet's tempered head with a bucket of cold water, or free future humans from their entrapments

Dont forget to play together for more fun :) ! Super important ❤

Play with your friends - Collaborate & have silly fun

This game can played with Mouse & as up to 4 controllers.

Feature Overview

- 5 Worlds with distinct mechanics.

- 50+ levels with a game length of 1.5 -3 hours, depending on your skill level

- Narrators telling you about the future of humanity: listen to Mr. Trumpet, The robots and the trumplets and maybe some more chattering about the future of our humankind.

Yapay Zekâ İçeriği Açıklaması

Geliştiriciler, oyunlarının yapay zeka içeriğini nasıl kullandığını şöyle açıklıyor:

For marketing & voice samples we used an AI voice generator for Mr. Trumpet's & other narrator's public statements

Yetişkin İçerik Açıklaması

Geliştiriciler içeriği şu şekilde tarif ediyorlar:

In our game players will see cute future humans, that are very round, proud and very naked.
This people are proud of their bodies. We don't want to body shame them in any way. It's about the society that 'formed' them through politics & nurture. So it's quite the contrary to body shaming!
They are also naked, but it's also meant as a cute, shameless kind of way, and not sexually or so.

Also there is slight/mild profanity, swearing, cursing

Sistem Gereksinimleri

SteamOS + Linux
    • İşletim Sistemi: Win 10 or newer
    • İşlemci: Intel I-3 Dual Core @ 2.0GHz
    • Bellek: 2 GB RAM
    • Ekran Kartı: Dedicated DirectX 10 Compatible card
    • DirectX: Sürüm 10
    • Depolama: 900 MB kullanılabilir alan
    • Ses Kartı: Preferably
    • İlave Notlar: Humour
    • İşletim Sistemi: MacBook Pro, iMac, Mac mini, 64bit
    • İşlemci: Intel I-3 Dual Core @ 2.0GHz
    • Bellek: 2 GB RAM
    • Ekran Kartı: Dedicated DirectX 10 Compatible card
    • Depolama: 900 MB kullanılabilir alan
    • Ses Kartı: Preferably
    • İlave Notlar: Humour, also for Apples
* Steam İstemcisi, 15 Şubat 2024'ten itibaren artık 32 bit oyunları ve macOS 10.14 veya altını desteklemeyecektir.
    • İşletim Sistemi: Ubuntu 16.4 / 17 , Fedora Linux (version 26) x86_64, Archlinux x86_64, Mint 18.2, Archlinux x86_64
    • İşlemci: Intel I-3 Dual Core @ 2.0GHz
    • Bellek: 2 GB RAM
    • Ekran Kartı: Dedicated DirectX 10 Compatible card
    • Depolama: 900 MB kullanılabilir alan
    • Ses Kartı: Preferably
    • İlave Notlar: Open-Source Humour
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