Help Linguini, our hero, escape from a stinky trap using only your FARTS! Avoid farting on others and uncover the wild mechanics of your farts by solving simple and challenging puzzles in this comedic sokoban game! Think twice before you fart!
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Informazioni sul gioco

So Fart Away is a comedic game about Puzzles and Farts!
Linguini, a poor fellow who farts every time he eats spicy food due to a dreadful illness called "Fartus Fartalis"! On a fated day, starved and broke, Linguini accepted a job offer as an assistant to the infamous food critic Cornelius L. Now, under his boss's orders, Linguini is being forced to taste all the spicy food at La Pimenta Gastronomic Fair, and suffer the consequences of his horrific tummy problem! Help Linguini get away from this stinky and unexpectedly puzzle-filled scheme!
Who could've thought farting would be this difficult?

Your farts will be your best friends and worst enemies! Acting as both tools and obstacles, the fart is a unique mechanic and a breath of fresh air within the sokoban genre, featuring many unusual and surprising behaviors that you will learn while savoring delicious dishes!

You can’t spell “Fart” without “Art”! A game with it's heart in comedy, bringing humor in all it's aspects, from mechanics and story to interface and fail states. There are jokes to be found everywhere!

A game that respects your spoons! Want discover all the optional stories? Talk to the characters you meet! Just want to use your brains, solve puzzles and be done? The story won't get in your way!

Recursos (Funcionalidade)

  • Rewind as you please.
  • More than 120 puzzles.
  • 9 different regions with unique mechanics.
  • A deep mechanic that subvert expectations like a great joke.
  • Fart puns in every nook and cranny.

Requisiti di sistema

    • Sistema operativo: Windows 10
    • Memoria: 1 GB di RAM
    • Memoria: 400 MB di spazio disponibile
    • Sistema operativo: Windows 10+
    • Memoria: 2 GB di RAM
    • Memoria: 400 MB di spazio disponibile
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