Cave Hikers is a relaxing and humorous 2D interactive cartoon mockumentary that follows three characters through a cavernous world, on a quest to find the mystical “cave with an infinite ceiling”.
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Data wydania:
6 grudnia 2024

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Pobierz Cave Hikers Demo

Kup Cave Hikers

OFERTA SPECJALNA! Oferta kończy się 22 stycznia

HK$ 66.00
HK$ 52.80

Kup Cozy & Surreal ZESTAW (?)

Zestaw 4 produktów: Cave Hikers, My Brother Rabbit, Boxville, Tourist Trap

HK$ 254.00
HK$ 204.68

Kup Croatian Point N Click Adventures ZESTAW (?)

Zestaw 2 produktów: Cave Hikers, Paws of Coal

HK$ 99.00
HK$ 72.93

Kup Studio Spektar Magnanimous Opus ZESTAW (?)

Zestaw 3 produktów: General Horse and the Package of Doom, Cave Hikers, Cave Hikers Soundtrack

HK$ 152.00
HK$ 86.53

O tej grze

Co-financed by the Croatian Audiovisual Centre.

Cave Hikers is a relaxing and humorous 2D interactive cartoon mockumentary that follows three characters through a cavernous world, on a quest to find the mystical “cave with an infinite ceiling”. The game starts in the hometown of the characters, from which they embark on an exciting adventure of building a catapult and filing paperwork to be fired off further into the unknown parts of their cavernous worlds.


  • Documentary style - The story is narrated as if the characters are creatures in a nature documentary.
  • The book of caves - The game comes with a book, both as in-game images and a pdf for printing and reading. The book is wordless and contains sketches of flora and fauna, but it also has recipes for magic potions that will be mixed by the player in the game.
  • Alchemy - collect some ingredients, mix some potions. shake some test tubes.
  • Everyone waves at you - Any character you hover with the cursor will wave at the player. It’s a feature never before seen on this scale and was proven to cause delight with everyone ever.

Wymagania systemowe

    Konfiguracja minimalna:
    • Wymaga 64-bitowego procesora i systemu operacyjnego
    • System operacyjny: Windows 10
    • Procesor: 2 cores
    • Pamięć: 2 GB RAM
    • Karta graficzna: 1GB VRAM
    • Miejsce na dysku: 499 MB dostępnej przestrzeni
    Konfiguracja zalecana:
    • Wymaga 64-bitowego procesora i systemu operacyjnego

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