Will the Earth be better off when it loses humans? Kill all kinds of hostile creatures and find out the answer to the world.
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Bu Oyun Hakkında

Explore a world where humans have disappeared and find the mystery of their disappearance.

  • The Strange World

    Foggy and fragmented, the world seems to be on the verge of collapse, and it's important to find out what's going on.
  • Face the fear

    Everyone disappears, but there's no peace on Earth,There are all kinds of hostile creatures around.With simple weapons in hand, you can identify weaknesses and kill all kinds of hostile creatures.

  • unleash the potential

    Upgrade your skills and perfect yourself for the biggest crises.

Find answer:What happened to Earth? This answer may only exist at the end of the blood road.

Yetişkin İçerik Açıklaması

Geliştiriciler içeriği şu şekilde tarif ediyorlar:

This Game may contain content not appropriate for all ages, or may not be appropriate for viewing at work: Killing enemies in the game can result in blood and broken limbs

Sistem Gereksinimleri

    • 64-bit işlemci ve işletim sistemi gerektirir
    • İşletim Sistemi: Windows 10 64-bit
    • İşlemci: Intel I5 4690 / AMD FX 8350
    • Bellek: 4 GB RAM
    • Ekran Kartı: Nvidia GTX 970 / RX 480
    • 64-bit işlemci ve işletim sistemi gerektirir
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