Combine dice and run-changing cards to unleash power-packed combos and crush your enemies. Fight your way through the scorching desert of Samsara and stop the Djinn!
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Çıkış Tarihi:
2025 2. Çeyrek

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Planlanan Çıkış Tarihi: 2025 2. Çeyrek

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“Blending some of the most compelling aspects of existing indie hits”

“Stands out in its innovative blend of strategic gameplay pillars”

Bu Oyun Hakkında

Aliosso is a turn-based roguelike all about combining dice and cards to win battles and survive a perilous journey across the desert of Samsara.

Customize your dice: change their type, place a rune, increase the value of a face, or replace it altogether! Find the right cards that synergize with your dice, because there is only one goal: Power. You'll need every tiny bit to boost your abilities and stop the Djinn.

Cards represent run-altering effects that can influence just about anything, the rules are malleable, like sand.
Different locations and bosses have their own cards, straining your ability to fight back.


  • Prayers can affect the battlefield and your run but require a sacrifice of water, a precious resource that you'll have to manage during your journey.
  • Unlock new prayers to start with, and find places of power to switch prayers as you play.


  • Pick between random scenarios at each step of your journey: will you restock on water or look for treasures?
  • Use canyons, caverns, and other locations to avoid the searing heat of the desert, but beware: no place is without peril.

  • 6 champions of the desert clans, each with its own run-defining power and abilities.
  • 100+ cards along with card variants to influence battles and scenarios.
  • 20+ dice types, each with its specific effect or special faces.
  • Tens of runes to customize your dice with, or to consume to affect scenarios and battles.
  • Tens of prayers to use as an escape hatch in difficult situations and to steer the journey in your favor.
  • Tens of different scenarios to go through.
  • Different locations to explore along your journey.


The last surviving human clans endure a nomadic existence fraught with hardship. As generations passed, the history of Samsara faded into oblivion. Long forgotten, a dark Djinn has found its way back, driven by an insatiable desire to reclaim its full powers and extend its supreme will on the desert and beyond.

Sistem Gereksinimleri

    • 64-bit işlemci ve işletim sistemi gerektirir
    • İşletim Sistemi *: Windows 7
    • İşlemci: Core i3
    • Bellek: 4 GB RAM
    • Ekran Kartı: AMD Radeon™ R7 260X (2GB VRAM) / NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 750(2GB VRAM)
    • DirectX: Sürüm 11
    • Depolama: 3 GB kullanılabilir alan
    • Ses Kartı: DirectX Compatible
    • 64-bit işlemci ve işletim sistemi gerektirir
* Steam istemcisi, 1 Ocak 2024'ten itibaren yalnızca Windows 10 ve üstünü destekleyecektir.
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