Good Kill是一款身臨其境的FPS遊戲,玩家將在越南戰爭期間扮演軍用直升機上的機門射手。參與激烈的戰鬥,穿越可破壞的環境,完成任務並升級直升機和武器,主宰戰場。
大多好評 (75) - 75 篇使用者評論中有 77% 給予此遊戲好評。
2024 年 11 月 11 日




備註:處於搶先體驗狀態的遊戲尚未開發完成,且內容可能會有所變動。如果目前的開發進度未使您產生興趣, 建議您等待本遊戲開發至下一階段時再決定是否購買。了解更多



「Through early access, we intend to actively involve players in the development process of our game "Good Kill." We aim to make improvements based on the experiences and suggestions of players throughout the game's evolution. By receiving feedback from players, we plan to identify and rectify the game's shortcomings, enhancing its quality. We are launching into early access to develop the current features of the game further and to add new ones. We wish to identify various bugs and issues during the early access period to resolve them.」


「After the beta process, preparations for the official release of the "Good Kill" game will take place for about a year.」


「Good Kill is an immersive FPS game in which players take control of a door gunner in a military helicopter during the Vietnam War. There is a difference between the early access and full versions.

1. Enhanced Helicopter and Weapon Upgrades: While the Early Access version allows players to experience the core mechanics of helicopter combat, the full version plans to introduce an advanced upgrading system with more options. This will include a broader range of helicopter models, each with unique capabilities and customizable parts. The weapon systems plan will be more diverse, allowing players to tailor their armaments to different missions.

2. Expanded Mission Set and Storyline: The full version will plan a fully fleshed-out campaign with an engaging storyline that delves deeper into the historical context of the Vietnam War. Players will encounter various mission types beyond the scope of the Early Access version, including covert operations, rescue missions, and large-scale battles that influence the course of the war in the game narrative.

3. Destructible Environments and Tactical Elements: We plan to enhance the destructibility of the environments to provide more tactical depth. Buildings, trees, and other terrain elements will not only be destructible. However, they will also affect gameplay by altering sight lines or providing temporary cover, forcing players to adapt their strategies in real time.

4. Improved Graphics and Audio: The full version plan will significantly improve the game's visual and audio fidelity by adding DLSS or FSR support to further enhance FPS. Upgraded sound design will better capture the intensity of combat and the ambiance of the Vietnam War era.

5. Community Features and Support: We are committed to incorporating community feedback received during the Early Access phase to refine gameplay mechanics and features. The full version plan also include support and allow players to create and share their content, further enhancing the game's longevity and replayability.」


「Step into the heart of the Vietnam War with "Good Kill," an action-packed first-person shooter (FPS) game that places you in the role of a door gunner in a military helicopter. As the battle rages on, you will undertake thrilling missions across dangerous terrain, engaging in intense shootouts against enemy infantry, while having the option.

"The Early Access version of 'Good Kill' is a fully playable game that includes the foundational mechanics of helicopter combat, various missions across several maps. Players can:

Engage in Combat: Take part in thrilling shootouts against enemy forces using the initial set of weapons and helicopters.
Experience the Setting: Fly across historically inspired Vietnamese landscapes, engaging in various mission types, from air raids to ground support.
Experience Enhanced Destruction: Witness the dynamic destruction of buildings and structures, adding strategic depth to the combat.
Experience Dismemberment Effects: See the visceral effects of combat with realistic dismemberment of enemy forces during engagements.」


「We are planning to increase the price slightly after Early Access. There will be a small increase in price of our game.」


「We believe that the community is integral to shaping 'Good Kill' into the best game it can be. Our approach to involving players in our development process includes several key strategies:

1. Feedback Loops: We actively encourage our community to provide feedback through structured channels such as our dedicated forums, social media, and in-game feedback tools. This lets us gather insights on gameplay, balance, and user experience directly from our players.

2. Regular Updates: We plan to release updates based on the community's feedback. Each update will address concerns, introduce new features, and continuously improve the game. We'll keep the community informed with detailed patch notes and development logs.

3. Community Events: To foster a closer relationship with our players, we will host regular community events such as Q&A sessions, live streams with the developers, and public playtests. These events will provide direct interaction opportunities and allow us to gather real-time feedback.

4. Beta Testing New Features: Before rolling out major updates or new features, we'll offer beta testing opportunities to our community. This helps fine-tune the elements based on direct user experiences and makes the community feel a part of the development journey.

5. Transparency: We commit to maintaining transparency about development progress and decisions. We aim to build trust and ensure the community understands our decision-making process by openly sharing our challenges and victories.

You can contact us via Steam Forums as well as company's website and social media accounts (Twitter, Instagram, Discord).」


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沉浸在越南戰爭的核心,體驗Good Kill,這是一款引人入勝的第一人稱射擊遊戲(FPS),讓你化身為軍用直升機上的機門射手。隨著衝突加劇,你將執行充滿腎上腺素的任務,穿越險峻的地形,與敵方步兵進行激烈交火,並使用可自訂的直升機和武器守住加固陣地。

感受Good Kill的刺激!

感受越南戰爭的腎上腺素衝擊,Good Kill將你置於戰爭中心,扮演機門射手的角色。參與激烈的戰鬥,探索動態環境,升級你的武器庫,掌控戰場。沉浸於一場令人難忘的FPS體驗。


Good Kill中,每個決策都至關重要,因為你需要應對戰鬥中的種種挑戰。擁有多種武器可供選擇,包括輕型武器和固定機槍,你可以在動態環境中穿梭,摧毀充滿可破壞物品和建築的場景,同時重創敵軍。適應性是關鍵,因為你可以在任務間升級直升機和武器,根據不斷變化的戰場需求調整你的裝備。


準備好完全投入戰爭的混亂之中,體驗令人驚嘆的畫面、真實的音效以及令人熱血沸騰的音樂,讓越南戰爭時代重現。不論是執行高風險的救援任務、防禦關鍵戰略據點,還是為地面部隊提供火力支援,Good Kill中的每一刻都是對技能、策略和勇氣的考驗。


透過一場吸引人的單人戰役,包含多個關卡和多樣化的任務,Good Kill帶來難忘的FPS體驗,從頭到尾都讓你保持緊張。準備好起飛,躲避敵軍的火力,成為最終極的機門射手嗎?加入Good Kill的戰鬥,在歷史上留下你的印記。



This Game may contain content not appropriate for all ages, or may not be appropriate for viewing at work: Frequent Violence or Gore, General Mature Content


    • 需要 64 位元的處理器及作業系統
    • 作業系統: Windows 10
    • 處理器: Quad-core Intel or AMD 2.5 GHz or superior
    • 記憶體: 16 GB 記憶體
    • 顯示卡: Direct X 11 or 12 Compatible GPU
    • DirectX: 版本:11
    • 儲存空間: 8 GB 可用空間
    • VR 支援: None
    • 備註: You can change in-game quality to get maximum performance
    • 需要 64 位元的處理器及作業系統
    • 作業系統: Windows 10 / 11
    • 處理器: Quad-core Intel or AMD 2.5 GHz or superior
    • 記憶體: 16 GB 記憶體
    • 顯示卡: NVidia Geforce RTX 2060 or better
    • DirectX: 版本:12
    • 儲存空間: 8 GB 可用空間
    • VR 支援: None
    • 備註: You can change in-game quality to get maximum performance

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