HEARTSHOT is a story driven VR espionage thriller where fast, chaotic gunplay meets retro-inspired cinematic environments. Armed with high-tech magnet gloves, seize weapons from fallen enemies and manipulate your environment as you make your way through a mysterious subterranean complex.
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Дата выхода:
3 мар. 2024 г.

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Сообщение от разработчиков

Почему ранний доступ?

«As a small team of two passionate developers, our main priority is to deliver our players with a thrilling, cinematic experience. Early Access provides us a valuable opportunity to incorporate player feedback as we polish the final two chapters, ensuring HEARSHOT is the absolute best it can be.»

Сколько примерно эта игра будет в раннем доступе?

«We hope to complete HEARTSHOT and launch the full release by the end of 2024, but will keep the community up to date on the status of development.»

Чем планируемая полная версия будет отличаться от версии в раннем доступе?

«We plan on releasing the campaign for HEARTSHOT in three chapters. Chapter 2 will be a released as a free update, ideally sometime in 2024. The release of Chapter 3 will coincide with the game's full release. Players who have already purchased HEARTSHOT Early Access will receive the remaining chapters and all additional content for free.»

Каково текущее состояние версии в раннем доступе?

«Chapter 1 of HEARTSHOT, which is approximately two hours of gameplay, is polished and currently available to play. Also included is a jungle themed arena mode.»

Изменится ли цена игры после выхода из раннего доступа?

«The Early Access version of HEARTSHOT will be less expensive than the full release.»

Как вы планируете вовлекать сообщество в разработку игры?

«We're excited to hear your feedback on HEARTSHOT via our support email and Discord server. While the storyline is set, we're eager to enhance the game based on what our community enjoys most. Your insights will guide us in fine-tuning the gameplay to focus on the elements you find most entertaining.»
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Об этой игре

HEARTSHOT is a high-octane VR espionage thriller where chaotic gunplay meets retro-inspired cinematic environments. Deploy into the Siberian tundra and infiltrate a covert facility, delving into the heart of a shadowy operation to uncover its sinister agenda. Armed with high-tech magnet gloves, seize weapons from fallen enemies and manipulate your environment as you make your way through a sprawling, subterranean complex.


Your ultimate multi-tool in HEARTSHOT: the Magnet Gloves. Use them to retreive weapons and ammunition, manipulate machinery, and perform explosive entrances.

HEARTSHOT features a wide variety of weapons and attachments, with an intuitive interaction system to let you customize your loadout on the fly.

There isn't always time to reload— sometimes throwing any available object is your best bet to stagger the enemy and regain footing. You have better aim than you think, especially with the help of HEARTSHOT's throwing auto-aim system.


Fill the role of a seasoned agent on a mission to dismantle a global criminal empire. A whistleblower's urgent call brings you to a remote Siberian base, once a Soviet-era criminal hub, now under the ruthless control of Marko Sokovic. Your mission: infiltrate, hack, and uncover Sokovic's sinister plot. Success demands resourcefulness under rising stakes.

Описание контента для взрослых

Разработчики описывают контент так:

HEARTSHOT includes realistic weapon use, featuring guns, knives, and explosives. While the game contains no explicit gore or blood, the use of these weapons implies a level of violence. Enemies are typically 'knocked out' rather than killed, but certain scenarios suggest implied deaths. While the game avoids graphic content, the nature of its combat and themes are suited for a mature audience.

Системные требования

    • 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
    • ОС: Windows 10
    • Процессор: Core i5-7500 / Ryzen 5 1600
    • Оперативная память: 16 GB ОЗУ
    • Видеокарта: Core i5-7500 / Ryzen 5 1600
    • DirectX: версии 12
    • Место на диске: 20 GB
    • Поддержка VR: SteamVR. Currently supported headsets/controllers: HTC Vive, Oculus, and Valve Index.
    • 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система

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