A light-hearted turn-based RPG, heavily inspired by old 2D classics. You will battle through waves of cute enemies, grow your characters, explore a diverse world, solve puzzles, and of course, save the world. (Just updated to version 3!)
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25. feb. 2014

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Kjøp Epic Battle Fantasy 4

Kjøp Epic Battle Fantasy Bundle PAKKE (?)

Inkluderer 4 produkt: Epic Battle Fantasy 4, Bullet Heaven 2, Epic Battle Fantasy 5, Epic Battle Fantasy Collection

HK$ 300.00

Om spillet

Epic Battle Fantasy 4 is a light-hearted turn-based RPG, heavily inspired by old 2D classics. You will battle through waves of cute enemies, grow your characters, read cringey dialogue, explore a diverse world, solve puzzles, and of course, save the world.

Updated with new content and features for the game's 10-year anniversary!

Key features

  • Over 140 different enemies to slaughter, from fluffy animals to gods.
  • Over 170 different items of equipment, and 150 different usable skills, allowing for lots of character customization.
  • Inspired by 16-bit era RPGs, minus the annoying features like random battles or save points.
  • Contains lots of video game references, immature humor, and anime boobs.
  • A mix of orchestral and electronic background music by Phyrnna. Full Soundtrack included!
  • 25 hours of gameplay, plus Newgame+, survival and boss rush modes.
  • Suitable for both casual and hardcore RPG players.
  • Recently updated with many quality-of-life features, more options, and a cheats/challenges menu.
  • The version 3 update finally adds widescreen support, and a larger UI that helps with Steam Deck support. Read this news post for details about the update:


    • Prosessor: 2.0 GHz Dual Core (much stronger CPU required for higher resolutions)
    • Minne: 2 GB RAM
    • Lagring: 500 MB tilgjengelig plass

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