"Tokyo Xtreme Racer" is a racing game set in a blocked-off future Tokyo, where players aim to be the fastest by driving their best cars on the highways that weave through the city.
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Kuraattorin arvostelu

Kuraattorilta Petrol aficionados 21. helmikuuta

“Worth every penny. Imagine a PS2 game that came to the current generation and still kept all of its soul intact. What makes the deal sweeter is that this is only early access, it only gets better.”

Early Access -peli

Voit pelata näitä pelejä viipymättä – jo niiden kehitysvaiheessa.

Huomaa: Early Access -pelit ovat keskeneräisiä ja saattavat vielä muuttua. Jos et halua pelata peliä sen tämänhetkisessä tilassa, odota ja tarkista peli myöhemmin uudelleen. Lue lisää

Kehittäjien kertomaa:

Miksi Early Access?

Since this is the first time in over 18 years that Tokyo Xtreme Racer will be returning, we felt it would be best to launch the game in Early Access to do justice to the franchise. A lot has changed in the genre since Tokyo Xtreme Racer was around, and we believe it's just as important to collect feedback not only from the fans that have stuck with the franchise, but also from racing game fans in general.
We would greatly appreciate your feedback to help Tokyo Xtreme Racer become what our fans truly deserve and to help new fans discover their love of us!

Miten kauan peli tulee arviolta olemaan Early Access -vaiheessa?

The plan is to improve the quality of the game by making various improvements based on your feedback over the course of approximately 4 months of Early Access. Depending on how the progress of development goes throughout Early Access, we will decide and announce the full release of the game as soon as possible.

Millä tavoin lopullinen versio tulee eroamaan Early Access -versiosta?

Upon release of Early Access, the game will include the story playable up to roughly the halfway mark, with a focus on SP battle and the car tuning features. Player skill gains, a new feature to the franchise will be included in the Early Access experience as well.

We plan for the full release of the game to include additional storylines, vehicles, and rival characters. We also plan to continue making improvements and address various potential issues before the full release of the game - all with the help of your feedback of course!

Mikä on Early Access -version tila tällä hetkellä?

Over 200 rival characters each with their own unique storyline have been implemented already. There will also be a total 50 playable cars, and over 180 kilometers worth of the Shuto Expressway to race upon.

Muuttuuko pelin hinta Early Access -vaiheen jälkeen?

With the addition of content and features, we may decide to increase the price for full release. However people who purchase the Early Access version will be able to continue playing the full release version upon launch.

Miten yhteisö otetaan mukaan kehitysprosessiin?

We will be collecting feedback through the Steam community.
We are open to receiving suggestions, bug reports, and feedback in general.
Lue lisää

Osta 首都高バトル

HK$ 199.00
Katso kaikki keskustelut

Ilmoita bugeista ja anna tälle pelille palautetta keskustelupalstalla

Tietoa pelistä

"Tokyo Xtreme Racer" is a racing game set in a sealed-off future Tokyo, where you compete for the fastest speed in your customized cars on the highways that weave through the city, aiming to reach the top.

Drive real cars on meticulously recreated courses, compete against powerful rivals,

slip through other cars, and engage in spirit-wracking battles.

This is a series with unparalleled appeal.

  • What is SP Battle (Spirit Point Battle)

Unlike regular racing games,

the SP Battle is a unique battle feature based Spirit Points, a numeric value that quantifies the willpower of drivers.

Not only is your speed tested, master the mind games and break your opponent's resolve.

  • Blaze through the midnight Shuto Expressway

With the Tokyo Expressway faithfully reproduced, the complex twists and dramatic elevation changes deliver an adrenaline-pumping racing experience that's as close to the real thing as it gets.

  • Countless rivals with mysterious charm

The race begins with a headlight flash as you face off against rivals with distinctive cars and bold driving styles.


    • Vaatii 64-bittisen suorittimen ja käyttöjärjestelmän
    • Käyttöjärjestelmä: Windows 10/11 64-Bit
    • Suoritin: Intel® Core™ i7-7700 or Intel Core i5-8400 or AMD Ryzen™ 5 1600X or AMD Ryzen™ 7 1700
    • Muisti: 16 GB RAM
    • Grafiikka: NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 1050 Ti(VRAM 4GB) or AMD Radeon™ RX 580
    • DirectX: Versio 12
    • Tallennus: 12 GB kiintolevytilaa
    • Lisätietoja: 1920x1080 with graphics setting at “Low” recommended. SSD recommended.
    • Vaatii 64-bittisen suorittimen ja käyttöjärjestelmän
    • Käyttöjärjestelmä: Windows 10/11 64-Bit
    • Suoritin: Intel® Core™ i7-13700 or AMD Ryzen™ 9 7900X or AMD Ryzen™ 7 7700X
    • Muisti: 16 GB RAM
    • Grafiikka: NVIDIA® GeForce® RTX 3060(VRAM 8GB) or AMD Radeon™ RX 6700
    • DirectX: Versio 12
    • Tallennus: 12 GB kiintolevytilaa
    • Lisätietoja: graphics setting at “High” recommended. SSD recommended.

Sovelluksen Tokyo Xtreme Racer arvostelut


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