"STARNAUT" is a roguelike action game with a simple control!Gear up yourself with 8 weapons and fight against the endless horde!Can you regenerate the earth within one 15-30 minute playthrough? Supports mouse, keyboard, and controller. !
Усі рецензії:
схвальні (36) - 97% з 36 рецензій на цю гру є позитивними.
Дата виходу:
14 лют. 2024

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Що бажають сказати розробники:

Чому дочасний доступ?

«STARNAUT has its own unique rogue-like game system but because of its uniqueness, we consider the development of this game system is still in progress and can be improved and completed by taking wide variety of feedback from players.
Therefore we decided to release this game as an early access to be able to take those feedback from community to improve the experience of our game.
We think the good game will eventually be made with the cooperation of the actual player, so we need our game to be released as an early access this time.
Please lend us strength, everyones' feedback is needed.»

Як довго гра буде у дочасному доступі?

«In our plan, it will go up to about a year of us hearing the feedback and try to improve the quality of this game.
During this process, we are going to update the game based on our loadmap, add new contents and improve the overall game system.
In the future, we will evaluate the progression of development then decide either prolong the EA or officially releasing the game.»

Чим повна версія гри буде відрізнятися від версії для дочасного доступу?

«We envision to expand the overall content of the game and enhance the game system in the full version by focusing adjusting the game balance and adding more elements.
That means we will add more fun elements like crazy boss battle, new levels, brushing up playable weapons and etc..
We are sure there will bring out more fun of rogue-like game to the maximum!
Although there is some issue still remaining that needs to be dealt with, we will try our best to solve and will release the official version in the future.»

Який поточний стан версії для дочасного доступу?

«5 main levels and 5 sub levels, 15 playable weapons, over 100 different variant of enemies are ready.
These will expand the endless patterns of STARNAUT's game experience.
We are sure that players will have fun even if this game is in EA stage.»

Чи буде відрізнятися ціна гри протягом дочасного доступу та після його завершення?

«In the official release of this game, or when this game gets close to official version, the price of game will potentially increase.»

Як ви плануєте залучати спільноту до розробки гри?

«We are planning to get feedback through Steam community, Our official Youtube channel and Twitter more often.
We value the feedback from the community the most and we think the communication between players can lead this development into better direction.
Most importantly, we consider Starnaut is the project where the players and us the developers will take hands together and evolve this game into the next level.
We will listen/ask to the community for any new idea for contents that players want or need. We will try to implement them as much as possible even if it takes time or something difficult.
Please let us know what you guys think.»
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Придбати STARNAUT DX Edition КОМПЛЕКТ (?)

Містить товари (3 шт.): STARNAUT, STARNAUT Soundtrack, STARNAUT - Prologue "COPIASU"

HK$ 110.70

Придбати STARNAUT El Shaddai Edition КОМПЛЕКТ (?)

Містить товари (2 шт.): STARNAUT, El Shaddai ASCENSION OF THE METATRON HD Remaster

HK$ 153.90
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Про цю гру


"STARNAUT" is an easy-to-learn, hard-to-master "survivor-like" game that emphasizes massive Nitro Jumps and Dashes, evading with verticality, synergizing extremely powerful weapons, deep and considered lore, and of course, the strongest force in the universe....love!
CHOOSE YOUR WEAPON!! Feel the excitement of mowing down entire armies of the creeping terror known only as ZOL!
CHALLENGE TO THE EXTREME!! You will have maximum of 30 minutes to delete them, or die trying!
BE CAREFUL!! This game is way too addictive! Time flies when you're having fun!


The STARNAUT, last hope of all mankind, the final human, casts the lens of his mind's eye across forgotten Squares of a lonely and indifferent cosmos, to put Earth back together again and give Her a future....but is he really ready?
Copiasu, an eighth-generation designer baby created by two charismatic AIs, Wonderful and Stella, was immaculately conceived with a heart of gold and the best traits of all his forebearers.
As the dying gasp of the Phoenix Project, a contingency plan that existed for Earth's total destruction, this courageous 5th-grader made out of the very best of us, boldly stares down ZOL, the multiversal menace, against impossible odds.
But no legion can snuff out the universal human flame of kindness and love that exists in each and every one of us, should we choose to nourish it....
Before the doomsday, people launched the Omega Rockets, packed full-to-bursting with all of the memories and feelings of everyone on Planet Earth, both for good and for ill....did you know the average human brain is theorized to contain 2.5 petabytes of storage capacity?

The STARNAUT himself, and no one else, carries this torch burning bright, encoded inside his mind and in his heart, and to remember is to care, about each and every bit of it. Truly an enormous responsibility, by any measure.

He is a miracle, but he is still a person, same as you, who needs the love and support of others, and there are things about people that no circumstance can change....

Before the doomsday, people launched the Omega Rockets with thier precious memories and history but they ended up landing in multiverse!
Starnaut runs today to find out if all of the rockets were launched back, so the Earth will be ressurected. ...or not!?


Some part of multiverse became the level by the power of Starnaut!

5 different levels are confirmed, but it seems like there can be more!?
Clear all the levels!


Beat up those enemies endlessly infiltrating from multiverse!

Enemies can be anything! Can be something cool or cute, but don't get tricked by its look!
Not confident with the 3D combat?? Do not worry! Your weapons will automatically attack them!


Beating enemies will drop the coins!
The coins you get can be used to purchase weapons or upgrade your spacesuit from SHOPNAUT!!


The condition to win is to launch 10 Omega Rockets!

Not to mention, those Omega Rockets have oxygen tanks!
Replenish your oxygen to keep going!


There are foes running around the level with the "Lost Data" from past Earth.

Punch them to bring back the data!


Those enemies are not only hungry for you but YOUR KNUCKLE SANDWICH!!!

There are things like a gacha capsule, jump pad or even a hot spring!
Also, you can buy a new helmet and upgrade your spacesuit to enhance your basic abilities before you start the level.
Everything for you! Just use them well!!


Hint for the beginners!

Let's start with beating a few enemies then reach to the shop!
Upgrade your weapons and spacesuit to prepare for the incoming enemies!
Antennas are a great choice until you get used to the game!
Once you pick the weapon, it will never run out of bullets and will never be destroyed!
You can unlock additional elements in the game with the prize you can get by clearing the levels!
Also, don't forget to check out the support dialog from WONDERFUL who is on top of the head of Starnaut!

Mouse, keyboard, controller are supported

Системні вимоги

    • Потребує 64-бітних процесора та операційної системи
    • ОС: Windows10
    • Процесор: AMD Ryzen 5 or inten Core i5
    • Оперативна пам’ять: 16 GB ОП
    • Відеокарта: Graphics card supporting DirectX 11 or DirectX 12
    • DirectX: версії 12
    • Місце на диску: 15 GB доступного місця
    • Потребує 64-бітних процесора та операційної системи
    • ОС: Windows11

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