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Đăng nhập để thêm sản phẩm này vào danh sách ước, theo dõi, hoặc đánh dấu nó thành "đã phớt lờ"

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Thêm vào danh sách ước

Về trò chơi này

“Absurd Story: Back Home” is a steampunk-style adventure exploration puzzle game. It tells the story of a mechanic named “Zhou Ruoshui” who returns to his hometown to search for his parents after a catastrophic disaster in a fictional world. However, he accidentally gets involved in a bizarre adventure. In the story, various acquaintances and strangers enter the protagonist’s field of vision while searching for their parents and digging up buried truths.

Setting and features

The story takes place in a fictional era and city, where various characters gather.

They live and work in the local area, until a disaster occurs, completely changing the place.

After that, the protagonist returns to the city, wanting to find his own truth, and his longing for his relatives.

art and atmosphere

Based on the steampunk local design, a world where technology and mythology coexist is built.

Carefully drawn coarse-grained pixel art, portraits are drawn for all characters.

Most of the time it is dark, there may be some unknown weirdness.

stage and cast

A large part of the city’s area and buildings will become the stage of the game, presented to the players.

Along the way, you can meet all kinds of people, they have all kinds of talents, and also ordinary and ordinary.

exploration and puzzle

By looking at the whole event through dual protagonists and multiple timelines, solve puzzles to advance the story.

For the sake of narration, the puzzle design kept a low difficulty level.

Yêu cầu hệ thống

    Tối thiểu:
    • HĐH *: Windows 7 or greater
    • Bộ xử lý: Intel i5 Quad-Core
    • Bộ nhớ: 4 GB RAM
    • Đồ họa: Intel i5 Quad-Core
    • Lưu trữ: 2 GB chỗ trống khả dụng
* Bắt đầu từ 01/01/2024, phần mềm Steam chỉ hỗ trợ từ Windows 10 trở lên.
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