Songs2See is your personal companion to learn a musical instrument in a fun way. It rates your play in in realtime and helps you train sight reading and finger dexterity with its interactive sheet music display.
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26. nov. 2013

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Bemærk: Songs2See er ikke længere tilgængeligt i Steam-butikken.
Bemærk: You need a built-in or external microphone to play Songs2See. To connect instruments via jack cable, we recommend to use external soundcards or audiointerfaces such as the Rocksmith™ Real Tone Cable.

Om dette spil

Songs2See is a fun and easy way to learn a musical instrument. It is the first music game that lets you play along to well known songs using real acoustic instruments. The only required hardware is a simple PC microphone and your instrument. Nothing plastic, nothing fake, just the most authentic and complete learning experience in music gaming. Songs2See listens to you and rates your performance in real-time. With this instant feedback, you’ll develop real skills and learn to sight-read music in no time. Songs2See's unique score sheet view makes playing visually intuitive and will engage rookies as well as experienced players.

  • Play any of the supported instruments (violin, viola, guitar, bass, ukulele, piano, saxophone, trumpet, clarinet, recorder flute) or train your voice
  • Unique and intuitive score sheet view with notes displayed in piano roll style
  • Fingerings displayed for each instrument
  • Automatic transposition for different tunings
  • More than 50 practice songs included
  • Optional tablature view for guitar, bass, ukulele, violin and viola
  • Optional score sheet view for advanced players
  • Slow down playback for difficult songs
  • Learning mode for step-by-step practicing
  • Detailed results and online high-scores
  • Compatible with the Rocksmith™ Real Tone Cable and other USB/Firewire audio devices

About Songs2See Editor

Songs2See Editor is an easy to use piano-roll editor for creating sheet music. It is a great tool to convert your favorite songs for use within the Songs2See Game. You can import almost any file from your music collection. It supports MIDI, MusicXML, GuitarPro, ABC Notation, WAV and MP3 files. It exports MIDI, MusicXML, Audio, printable score sheets and Songs2See Game files.

  • Create your own music for practicing
  • Turn your favorite song into sheet music
  • Automatic music transcription of melody, bass, chords and rhythm
  • Save to various sheet music formats or print your score
  • Transpose, delete or add notes when needed
  • Create play-along tracks and save them
  • View, print and save Tabulature

About Songs2See Ultimate

Songs2See Ultimate includes both the Songs2See Game and the Songs2See Editor. With this bundle, unlimited practice material is at your fingertips.

  • Songs2See Game and Songs2See Editor included
  • Windows and Mac OS versions included
  • Future updates are free of charge


    • Styresystem *: Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows7, Windows Vista, Windows XP SP3
    • Processor: Intel® Pentium® 4 2GHz or faster
    • Hukommelse: 1 GB RAM
    • Diskplads: 1 GB tilgængelig plads
    • Lydkort: Required
* Fra den 1. januar 2024 understøttes Steam-klienten kun på Windows 10 og senere udgaver.

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