LabyrInk is the result of a 5-day Game Jam. It's an exciting third person shooter where the environment starts out completely invisible. You and other Goblinks must paint it up in order to reveal a path to your opponents. Features two distinct game modes: Last One Standing and Deathmatch.
Minden értékelés:
Pozitív (12) - E játék 12 felhasználói értékeléséből 91% pozitív.
Megjelenés dátuma:
2023. jún. 17.

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LabyrInk indítása


A játékról

DISCLAIMER: This is the result of an internal five-day Game Jam @ Double Dash Studios!

Made in a week by a team of five, LabyrInk is our very first attempt at making a multiplayer game in Unreal Engine. In its current state, our game provides a very compact experience. Between working on a new engine, implementing multiplayer features, and making sure we finished with as little bugs as possible, LabyrInk's content is bite-sized.

We suggest you enjoy it with your friends for a good laugh! Now, about the game itself:

LabyrInk is a PvP Shooter Arena where the arena itself is invisible.

  • Customize your character's color to stand out in the chaotic mayhem;
  • Paint the environment strategically to reveal hidden paths and gain an advantage over other players;
  • Choose your playstyle: quickly ambush opponents or embrace stealth, covering your footprints and minimizing noise.
  • Overload other Goblinks with your ink to make them explode in a spectacular display!
  • Two game modes to choose from: Last Ink Standing and Deathmatch;

In the spirit of a Game Jam, there were also plenty of features that were cut for time. Among them are:

  • A Splatoon-inspired gamemode, where the goal is to paint as much of the map as possible;
  • Team Deathmatch, where players team up under the same color;
  • Ammunition and Powerups;
  • An option for all gamemodes that would make players invisible as well as the labyrinth, forcing players to adopt a more 'hunting' approach;
  • Multiple premade levels, rather than just one, including a circular labyrinth;
  • Sudden Death for all gamemodes, where after a configurable timer, walls would disappear to speed things up;
  • Shifting labyrinth walls;
  • Much-needed improvements to net code - from client side prediction to server-side rewind;
  • Persistent data related features, such as player level and match rewards that would typically be used to unlock cosmetics and such;

Join us on Discord and let us know if you'd like to see LabyrInk developed to its full potential!


    • 64 bites processzor és operációs rendszer szükséges
    • Op. rendszer: Windows 10 or 11
    • Processzor: i5 or i7 4th generation or superior (e.g.: Intel i7-4720)
    • Memória: 8 GB RAM
    • Grafika: Nvidia GTX 1060 or superior
    • Hálózat: Széles sávú internetkapcsolat
    • 64 bites processzor és operációs rendszer szükséges
    • Hálózat: Széles sávú internetkapcsolat

A(z) LabyrInk vásárlói értékelései




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