The upcoming third entry in the Nexomon series, featuring a large, story-rich 3D open world and a new battle system.
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Đăng nhập để thêm sản phẩm này vào danh sách ước, theo dõi, hoặc đánh dấu nó thành "đã phớt lờ"

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Thêm vào danh sách ước

Về trò chơi này

Seers, clairvoyants, oracles. A bloodline grown thin over hundreds of generations by what was long thought to be a curse cast upon its unnatural ancestry, is now revealed to be the systemic carnage by an unknown foe. What begins as a mere tale of their progeny's survival soon unfolds into a calamity that beckons the world's past, present and eons to come.

Nexomon 3 unveils a colossal and vibrant 3D open world, immersing players in a massive playground. Explore the breathtaking Aurelian continent teeming with hundreds of unique Nexomon to capture, and engage in thrilling battles against tamers of all calibers while experiencing an innovative combat system. Undertake intricate quests and unveil the enigmatic evil that has confounded generations of tamers.

Nexomon delivers an unforgettable, story-driven experience with a carefully crafted cinematic narrative that encompasses otherworldly adversaries, challenging decisions, and a diverse cast of characters that shape every aspect of Nexomon 3's world. As the relentless Wheel of Fate crumbles, what cruel secrets lie beyond its ruins?

Yêu cầu hệ thống

    Tối thiểu:
    • HĐH *: Windows 7
    • Đồ họa: Open GL 3.2+ Compliant
    • Ghi chú thêm: 1080p, 16:9 recommended
* Bắt đầu từ 01/01/2024, phần mềm Steam chỉ hỗ trợ từ Windows 10 trở lên.
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